A Chess World Fantasy, inspired by Battle Chess.

(If anyone knows of anything similar, please let me know. Anyone want to do any art of anything in the stories, also let me know. I used to love Battle Chess for the Queen, and never found anything porno wise about her. Wanted to change that.)

A war seemed imminent. The White King shared his concerns with his wife, the White Queen. She stifled his concerns and told him she would walk to the other side of the battle field to the Black Kingdom and try to work out another peace deal. The White King knew his forces may not survive a battle with the Black Kingdom and also trusted the persuasive powers of wife. She had facilitated peace talks before and, even if her ways were non-traditional and bordered on sexually sadistic, he was secure in their relationship because her libido was much higher than his. No matter what she did extramaritally, he was kept satisfied and his throne remained secure.