Your Night Is Mine [MF][FDom][exh][oral]

Fireworks burst in the night sky overhead and a menagerie of costumed men and women push past me on the crowded street. The inebriated celebrants shy away and let me pass when I glare them down with my practiced 'Do Not Fuck With Me' face. It takes quite a lot of practice to get it right when you're a five-foot-six woman. I scan the crowd and regain sight of you as you turn down a wide stairway and into an underground concourse. My lips can't help but curl up in a smile.

Your night was mine the moment you decided to cheat in my casino. I may not own the glittering gaming halls of the Peixe Voador, but as a security consultant, it's part of my job to consider the casino's possessions my own. At least when a swindler tries to take them from me.