How to write Erotica?

Can I write Erotica? And How?

This was posted in a writing group, but someone got triggered and got deleted with no reason.

I don’t understand reddit, therefore I have a hard time reading rules and small things. If this post is not fit for this group, please teach me where to post it or if I have to edit it, please tell me before it’s deleted.

*Original post*

I was 12 years old when I moved to the U.S.
The language sounded beautifully, and the words looked luxurious. As if it was a tongue that only the rich could speak.

I bought an English-Spanish dictionary and began to write my first book. Kissing scenes were too much for my young heart, and holding hands was enough to make me blush.
My book was 40k words, but now that I think about it… it wasn’t that good.

I didn’t learn all the rules of grammar, where to put commas, and how to make a good use of a thesaurus. It’s funny how I tried to describe a simple scene while using lots of “high-class,” words. Until this day, as a 22 year old, English is a big struggle, but my passion for writing is even bigger. I know, I’m stubborn.