The Elven Bride, the Orcish Groom (PART 3- FINALE) [MF] [fantasy] [exh] [voy] [preg]

“And so, in the names of the trees of our eternal forest, I hereby bless this marriage. May your fruits be many, and may your union be a symbol that lasts ten thousand generations.”


There was applause- polite, but clearly strained. Dumag’s eyes glanced briefly across the onlooking elves, smirking slightly at their poorly-masked expressions of disdain. Before him stood Yalanue in her dazzling white robe and silver jewelry, shining more brilliantly than the sun as she looked up at him with a cheeky smile.


“Ah, and now the wedded will have the marriage validated in the Bride’s family temple. With this, the wars between our kin will have ceased forevermore.” The elder performing the ceremony closed his massive tome and bowed lightly, gesturing to the large white stone building behind him.


The wedding had been performed at midday, according to Elvish custom. Dumag had been coached through the steps of the ritual the night before by Gailin, so he’d managed to not make an ass of himself. Orcs, of course, did not have such frivolous ceremonies. They simply mated and were done with it when they pleased. He’d still made an effort to polish the bits of armor he had brought with him- Elves were after all, notoriously vain.

The Elvish Bride, the Orcish Groom (PART 2) [MMF] [fantasy] [oral] [buk]

The rapid knocking was what awoke him. Dumag opened one eye, groaning as he forced himself to sit up. He was still in the Elvish castle, and someone was knocking away on his door. He swung his legs off the side of the bed, which creaked loudly as he rose. He threw open the door with a glare down, only to be greeted by his fiancée and another Elf- a man with long ginger hair and small golden spectacles.


“Morning.” Yalanue breezed by him, glancing up with a tiny smile. It seemed she’d somehow cloaked their activities the night before. “This is my manservant, Gailin Elmaria. He’ll be ensuring you don’t embarrass yourself tomorrow.”


Gailin gave a bow, smiling as well but fearfully so as he looked up and down the Orc towering over him. “R-right, I’m to ensure that everything goes smoothly… This is part of the treaty after all… It would be a disaster if something were to go wrong.”


“I’m aware.” Dumag grunted, going to sit at the small table provided with the room. “the arrangement is that one of my tribe is to marry one of the royal family of this region. I saw the details of the treaty.”

The Elven Bride, The Orcish Groom [M/F] [exh] [fantasy] [oral] [voy]

The portrait had disgusted him, initially. Elven women were far too soft and delicate for Orcish sensibilities. Orc women were stoic, muscular, and hard. Elven women were waifish, dainty, and round. And this Elf was certainly typical for her kind. Gentle face, unblemished pale skin, brilliant sapphire eyes, platinum blonde hair, and two perfectly rounded breasts hanging beneath her sheer dress. She was utterly revolting.


Dumag sat astride his war pig, glowering at the back of the Chieftain’s head as they rode toward the Elvish city. In his hand he clenched the small round portrait of his hideous bride-to-be, occasionally glancing down at it to remind himself to stay angry about this whole business. The many articles of the peace treaty signed last year had already begun to come into effect- this was simply the latest one. As signs of mutual good faith, one of the Chieftain’s sons was to marry the princess of this Elf kingdom- and Dumag was the only choice. He was too smart, too soft to be taken seriously by any woman of his own kind. So of course he would be the perfect groom to be given.


The Breeder and the Wolves [MF] [FMMMMM] [Fantasy] [Preg]

The wolves were finally reaching their most desperate when they put out the call to the Breeder. The last female of breeding age was growing older, closer to when she would be able to breed no longer. And yet, the curse still held. This truly would be the last generation, just as the witch had said.


The Chief put out word that they would pay any price for a Breeder’s service, provided she would be willing to stay for an extended period to ensure enough females were birthed to continue the Lineage. And finally, one arrived.


She was a squat Goblin, barely three feet tall, but the soft thickness of her thighs and curvature of her ass showed she was more than experienced. With her, was a much thinner Goblin girl, one with barely any chest or hips visible under her simple leather cloak. Both had the same shade of blue-black hair, vibrant green skin, and glowing yellow eyes. The Breeder wore tight leathers barely covering her breasts and nethers, thigh boots so tightly laced that her flesh bulged over, threatening to spill free at a moment’s notice.