I came into a mayo jar and my flatmate had some

This is a throwaway account btw.

I was 18. I just moved into this flat near my uni so that I was close to school. My highschool years put me in a very… adventurous lifestyle. I was basically running a whole prostitution business, with me being the prostitute. I adored cum. I loved my own, I loved another guys, trap’s, shemales, etc. I couldn’t get enough of the stuff. So over a month, whenever I jacked off, I’d release my cum into a 2L bottle (usually an emptied bottle of cock or water, changes every month), then drink it or play with it on the last day. Sadly, this year: I chose a mayo jar.

My flat mate (m) was very hungry on the 31st of October. He had just finished doing his assignment and said he NEEDED a sandwich like his life depended on it. (I had left the bottle downstairs as I was filming myself jack off on snapchat). He got his slices of bread, placed his bologna carefully, and went to grab the mayo. He poured a usual amount of ‘mayo’ onto his sandwich and placed the two slices onto the sandwich.