Leaky Pipes [mf]

Kate had moved into my apartment complex just over three weeks ago and I hadn’t been able to stop thinking about her since.

She was fresh out of college and had just started her internship at the hospital three blocks away. As far as I knew her parents were paying to put her up here until she got some money together to take over the rent herself. I’d seen them visiting a couple of times and they seemed like a nice family. But outside of her parents visiting, Kate seemed like kind of a loner. She worked long hours, sure, but never seemed to go out to meet friends for coffee and didn’t seem to have people over. Especially men, not that I had been looking out for that.

I wasn’t exactly sure how we had started talking the other day but we ended up at a local coffee shop getting to know each other. The conversation ended with me agreeing to come by and take a look at the pipes under the sink. My dad was a registered plumber and had taught me the trade before I decided to join the police academy.

Categorized as Erotica