How I got to where I am, true story, male to female

I figure most would not be interested in this, but I figured I might tell you all a story of how I got to where I am now and why failed as a man and seeking to fully feminize now. I’m also just curious on if this is a turn on for real men unlike myself.

For as long as I can remember, I always knew I should of been born a girl. Many little things like being naturally passive. When role playing games I rather be the princess then the knight, Stuf like that. Anyways, I grew up in a pretty tradional family. Had a stay at home housewife/mom. My dad was clearly the head of the household. I have all brothers and they are all manly men type of guys. Cowboys, bikers, football fanatics, that type of thing. My main interest during the time was video games and still is.