A gift for the Ork Chieftain Pt 3 [fantasy] [mmf][sex][anal][rape][oral]

The roar of laughter woke Glinda and her eyes blinked away the remnants of sleep as she tried to get her bearings. As it was the tent of a Chieftain, Thralls where she slept was by far the largest in the camp and the three Orks were still a good twenty feet away even though they were fully inside. They were clearly drunk and she didn’t think they had even seen her, or Dinia who had still slept besides her, as they laughed and joked at an unnecessary volume, as Orks frequently do. As they stumbled around, starting to rummage through Thrall’s possessions which lined the edge of the tent Dinia too awoke and sat up, trying to figure out what was going on.

“Hey! HEY!” She called out to them, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. “I can see you fools are drink but are you retarded??” All three turned, silent for the first time since their entry as they processed this new component to the situation. They were all dressed casually for Orks, pants cutoff by the knees and a fur draped over their shoulders which was affixed by a chain across the chest. From that Dinia could tell they were simple foot soldiers, no one of importance. This could have already been assumed by the fact that they were in town and not invited on the hunting trip which Thrall and his Chiefs had been on for the last week but their garb itself was a dead giveaway. Their lack of class supported this assumption.

A gift to the Ork Chieftain Pt. 2 [fantasy] [oral] [sex] [domination] [MF]

Brotan undid the lock to her collar and it crashed to Glinda’s feet. It had been on for a full day at that point and with it gone she realized how used to it she had become. The weight was gone from her neck, allowing to her to stand to her full ability, the tall beauty the gods had designed her to be. With the iron collar by her feet it was not lost on Glinda the freedom she had just gained. It was not just a physical one but one which felt all encompassing for her. For years she had used her sexuality to her favor, fucking the townsmen for reward or benefit, and the town’s women hated her for it. They were jealous their husbands had always watched her walking by in the road, their eyes running across her body and imagining how much livestock or firewood it would take to bend her over a table. But they were all now dead and here she stood. As a poor townswoman with her lack of nobility her best chance for a good life had always been to be the sex object of an upperclassman.  Now before her, eyes full of lust and a fist full of throbbing cock, sat one of the most powerful men in the realm. This Ork chieftain was responsible for the deaths of likely thousands of men and yet here in his throne he was nothing but a horny man with a hard dick, waiting for her to give him release.

A gift to the Ork Chieftain Pt. 1 [fantasy] [oral]

Glinda looked up at the hulking chieftain standing before her. Even if she hadn’t been thrown to the floor by the foot solider when she was brought into his tent he’d have been imposing, but from the fur rug she now laid upon he looked more like an ancient tree towering into the sky than a mortal being. Growing up in the borderlands humans all heard stories of the Orks living beyond the river, and the raiding parties they’d send into the human territory, but she’d never seen one before they arrived at her village that morning. The grunts who’d torn through the village were large themselves, easily a head taller than any man she knew, but this chieftain whom she’d been brought to was even larger than that. In a community which valued power and aggression more than civility, like her human, more civilized brethren, it was no wonder how this man had rose to a rank like his.