Harry Potter and the Hogwarts pervert (part 8)

(Warning: this is a netorare/cuckolding kind of story, and its definitely not for everyone. So if you’re reading this just because you like Harry Potter, you’re going to have a bad time. Probably.)

A few days later Hermione left with a large group to Hogsmeade, ready to do her part. She was alone, Harry needing to stay back to execute the brunt of the plan, by getting into the Ravenclaw dormitory. Hermione was given the simple task of watching Michael, and ensuring he stayed in Hogsmeade.

Her eyes fixed on the back of Michaels head, she followed near the back of a long line of Hogwarts students ready to spend a fun filled day in the village.

For the 10th time, Hermione checked her back pocket. However, she wasn’t put at ease, despite ensuring that she still in fact had what she needed. She knew she’d check again in a few minutes, desperate to do her part perfectly.

The thing in her back pocket that she so anxiously kept checking for was a chess piece. Harry also had one that was identical, the twin of Hermione’s. The purpose was simple: it was an alarm.

Harry Potter and the Hogwarts pervert (part 7).

(Warning: this is a netorare/cuckolding kind of story, and its definitely not for everyone. So if you’re reading this just because you like Harry Potter, you’re going to have a bad time. Probably.)

Harry remembered everything. Every vision, every thought, every detail about Michaels unwanted memories. He tried to tell himself that they were fabricated, but he knew the truth, and he couldn’t suppress it no matter how desperately he wanted to. Michael hadn’t been lying, like Harry suspected. The taunts about Ms. Davies were real, just like the ones about Ginny. He’d come to terms with that, and now the only thing left to think about was how he would proceed.

First things first, Harry wanted to get him alone. If there was one thing Harry excelled at it was one on one encounters. Hell, he’d just start swinging if he had to.

But what would that accomplish, a little voice asked? Would Ms. Davies be at Michaels bedside while he was in the hospital wing?

Unable to stop the little voice from getting too real, it asked: and what would they be doing? Would she be jerking him off under the covers as he rubs and squeezes her breasts? Would she lick, suck, and worship his fat cock, as he thinks “thanks Potter.”

Harry Potter and the Hogwarts pervert (part 7)

(Warning: this is a netorare/cuckolding kind of story, and its definitely not for everyone. So if you’re reading this just because you like Harry Potter, you’re going to have a bad time. Probably.)

Harry remembered everything. Every vision, every thought, every detail about Michaels unwanted memories. He tried to tell himself that they were fabricated, but he knew the truth, and he couldn’t suppress it no matter how desperately he wanted to. Michael hadn’t been lying, like Harry suspected. The taunts about Ms. Davies were real, just like the ones about Ginny. He’d come to terms with that, and now the only thing left to think about was how he would proceed.

First things first, Harry wanted to get him alone. If there was one thing Harry excelled at it was one on one encounters. Hell, he’d just start swinging if he had to.

But what would that accomplish, a little voice asked? Would Ms. Davies be at Michaels bedside while he was in the hospital wing?

Unable to stop the little voice from getting too real, it asked: and what would they be doing? Would she be jerking him off under the covers as he rubs and squeezes her breasts? Would she lick, suck, and worship his fat cock, as he thinks “thanks Potter.”

Harry Potter and the Hogwarts pervert (part 6)

(Warning: this is a netorare/cuckolding kind of story, and its definitely not for everyone. So if you’re reading this just because you like Harry Potter, you’re going to have a bad time. Probably.)

Late that night Michael snuck out of the Ravenclaw dormitory, covered from sight, thanks to his new cloak. He made his way over to the entrance to the Gryffindor tower, which he discovered earlier that day. While he was loitering around the entrance, he was also fortunate enough to overhear the password.

“Oddment and tweak.” He said to the fat lady, who awoke with a start.

“Wha? Ah yes.” She sighed. “Go on in then.”

The portrait swung open and Michael entered, and as luck had it, there wasn’t anyone in the common room. It was very late.

Michael made his way up the boys dormitory and slowly opened the door. Upon entering he was greeted with the snores of Potter and all his friends. He located the scarred bastard and took out a vial, filled with a white wispy substance. It looked like a bright fog. Holding it up to Harry’s ear, he uncorked the vial and the substance seemed into Harry’s head, who tossed a bit in his sleep, as fragments of Michaels memory mixed with his. After a minute Harry stopped tossing and murmuring, and was still and snoring.

Categorized as Erotica

Harry Potter and the Hogwarts pervert (part 6)

(Warning: this is a netorare/cuckolding kind of story, and its definitely not for everyone. So if you’re reading this just because you like Harry Potter, you’re going to have a bad time. Probably.)

Late that night Michael snuck out of the Ravenclaw dormitory, covered from sight, thanks to his new cloak. He made his way over to the entrance to the Gryffindor tower, which he discovered earlier that day. While he was loitering around the entrance, he was also fortunate enough to overhear the password.

“Oddment and tweak.” He said to the fat lady, who awoke with a start.

“Wha? Ah yes.” She sighed. “Go on in then.”

The portrait swung open and Michael entered, and as luck had it, there wasn’t anyone in the common room. It was very late.

Michael made his way up the boys dormitory and slowly opened the door. Upon entering he was greeted with the snores of Potter and all his friends. He located the scarred bastard and took out a vial, filled with a white wispy substance. It looked like a bright fog. Holding it up to Harry’s ear, he uncorked the vial and the substance seemed into Harry’s head, who tossed a bit in his sleep, as fragments of Michaels memory mixed with his. After a minute Harry stopped tossing and murmuring, and was still and snoring.

Harry Potter and the Hogwarts pervert (part 5)

(Warning: this is a netorare/cuckolding kind of story, and its definitely not for everyone. So if you’re reading this just because you like Harry Potter, you’re going to have a bad time. Probably)

“Thanks again for the lessons Professor.” Said Harry, as he walked along with her towards the courtyard.

“Shh Harry.” Replied Ms. Davies, looking around. “I don’t want anyone to hear about the lessons. I don’t do this for everyone. This is a special case.”

“Sorry Professor.” Harry smiled.

“Its alright. And I have to say, you’ll make an excellent auror.” She smiled warmly back.

“Thanks. That means a lot from you.”

Michael was walking and spotted Harry talking to Ms. Davies. They were laughing together in the courtyard, something that was beginning to happen far too often. He resisted the urge to curse the bastard as he saw her touch his arm. She began to walk away and looked back laughing at whatever he said. Harry stood there by himself, and Michael took his opportunity.

“God I’d love to spank that ass.” Said Michael.

Harry turned towards Michael, his hand immediately plunging into his pocket. Michael frowned.

Categorized as Erotica

Harry Potter and the Hogwarts pervert (part 5)

(Warning: this is a netorare/cuckolding kind of story, and its definitely not for everyone. So if you’re reading this just because you like Harry Potter, you’re going to have a bad time. Probably)

“Thanks again for the lessons Professor.” Said Harry, as he walked along with her towards the courtyard.

“Shh Harry.” Replied Ms. Davies, looking around. “I don’t want anyone to hear about the lessons. I don’t do this for everyone. This is a special case.”

“Sorry Professor.” Harry smiled.

“Its alright. And I have to say, you’ll make an excellent auror.” She smiled warmly back.

“Thanks. That means a lot from you.”

Michael was walking and spotted Harry talking to Ms. Davies. They were laughing together in the courtyard, something that was beginning to happen far too often. He resisted the urge to curse the bastard as he saw her touch his arm. She began to walk away and looked back laughing at whatever he said. Harry stood there by himself, and Michael took his opportunity.

“God I’d love to spank that ass.” Said Michael.

Harry turned towards Michael, his hand immediately plunging into his pocket. Michael frowned.

Harry Potter and the Hogwarts pervert (part 4)

(Warning: this is a netorare/cuckolding kind of story, and its definitely not for everyone. So if you’re reading this just because you like Harry Potter, you’re going to have a bad time. Probably.

I think the private lesson stuff is pretty hot, so I milked it again for this chapter. The next chapter will be different.)

Hermione walked into the Gryffindor common room and looked around. She spotted Harry, Ron, Lavender, and Parvati sitting by the fire. She and Ron hadn’t been on good terms for a while. She hated that he was dating Lavender, and was annoyed that he couldn’t figure out why she didn’t like that.

Scanning the room further she spotted Ginny sitting alone in the corner reading. There was an empty chair beside her so she took it.

“Hey Ginny, mind if I sit?” She asked.

“Yeah, go ahead, I need a distraction anyways.” Said Ginny.

Hermione sat down and they began talking. They talked for ten minutes before Hermione couldn’t help but remember Ginny and Michael and everything she heard about them. She was burning to ask about it, and now she had her chance. Everyone except for the two of them had left the common room.

Harry Potter and the Hogwarts pervert (part 4)

(Warning: this is a netorare/cuckolding kind of story, and its definitely not for everyone. So if you’re reading this just because you like Harry Potter, you’re going to have a bad time. Probably.

I think the private lesson stuff is pretty hot, so I milked it again for this chapter. The next chapter will be different.)

Hermione walked into the Gryffindor common room and looked around. She spotted Harry, Ron, Lavender, and Parvati sitting by the fire. She and Ron hadn’t been on good terms for a while. She hated that he was dating Lavender, and was annoyed that he couldn’t figure out why she didn’t like that.

Scanning the room further she spotted Ginny sitting alone in the corner reading. There was an empty chair beside her so she took it.

“Hey Ginny, mind if I sit?” She asked.

“Yeah, go ahead, I need a distraction anyways.” Said Ginny.

Hermione sat down and they began talking. They talked for ten minutes before Hermione couldn’t help but remember Ginny and Michael and everything she heard about them. She was burning to ask about it, and now she had her chance. Everyone except for the two of them had left the common room.

Harry Potter and the Hogwarts pervert (part 3)

(Warning: this is a netorare/cuckolding kind of story, and its definitely not for everyone. So if you’re reading this just because you like Harry Potter, you’re going to have a bad time. Probably.)

Michael was still reeling from his progress the night before, so he decided to put the other part of his plan into action.

He was walking around the library checking each row, when finally he spotted her. It was the sexy little book worm herself, Hermione.

She was standing midway up a ladder, looking at the back of a thick, old looking book. Her ass looked amazing from this view. Whereas Ms Davies was big and thick, Hermione’s was smaller and tight. He liked variety, which is why she was the perfect girl to go after alongside Ms. Davies. Small, thin frame, with perky b-cup tits.

He needed a reason to talk to her, and it came to him immediately. He pulled out his wand and cast a spell on the ladder. It tipped backwards and Hermione started to fall. He ran over and caught her.