A Naked Workout is the Best Kind of Exercise [MF]

There you are at the gym five times a week. Why are you doing it? Maybe it is the fact that you like margaritas and tacos or you want to be fit. It is probably a combination thereof. You are no longer in your indestructible 20’s where you can binge and binge and still have a plump ass, perky tits and a flat tummy. Now some things are sagging, ever so slightly. However, you may just be imagining it.

You started at the gym wearing baggy shorts and an old t-shirt from when you were in a sorority. You wanted to hide your self-perceived flaws. They didn’t exist, but you believe it. You try some weights and some sit-ups and a little running on the treadmill. Months go by and you become more confident in who you are. You spring for more comfortable work out clothes since it is important to you. You even signed up for the spin class. Look at you!

The never ending blowjob [MF] [oral]

Please comment or PM! I want to know how I am doing!

Context: this is a true story. Back in my college days I had a friend with benefits named Melissa. I met her at a party and I got her number. She looked like the type that would make a man crumble under her tongue. I learned that she had a boyfriend. Without manipulating her, she broke up with him and we hooked up a bunch over the years. While we never dated, she wanted me to take her virginity a few years later. She wanted her first time to be meaningful. This is a story about probably one of the hottest times we hooked up.

“Hey, coming over?”

“Yeah, I’ll be over shortly, calm your dick down.”

Melissa showed up with her night bag which she brought when she told her parents that she was staying at her girlfriends house. She was a commuter so hooking up was not an easy affair.

“Hand me that guitar, I want to playing ‘Paint it Black’”. She took the Guitar Hero guitar. While we played around a lot, we were also genuinely friends. Often the hooking up would come after hours of flirting until one of us just pounced. After going through an array of songs I asked what she wanted for dinner.

Remember to always tip the bartender [MF] [oral] [exh]

“Can I have another? Also a whiskey, please.” Jess lifted her mostly empty amber bottle signifying she was almost done.

“You got it,” replied Brandon, Jess’ current purveyor of booze.

Jess, the CFO, well former CFO at ALiGN, lost her job today when after going public, stocks plummeted, a lot of turnover occurred and a scapegoat was needed. She was told today to leave with a severance package and best of luck.

“Maybe a little liquid luck will turn things around” bemoaned Jess to seemingly no one.

“You know it’s 9:30 on a Tuesday in a dive bar, I don’t know what luck you are looking for, but it’s certainly not a victory here.” Brandon, the bartender and owner of the bar had to cover to Lexi the usual bartender for the night. Brandon spent most nights at home running reports and ordering for the next couple of days. “You know, we don’t have many folks in here in suits, never mind women in suits. In fact we don’t have many women.”

“Well consider yourself lucky.”

Coming of age [MF] [seduction]

Edit: please post comments and feedback. Let me know what you think.

Jenny never really had it easy. When she was twelve and start developing breasts, her left one grew, but the right one did not…for a year. She had one boyfriend in high school. While making out, she cut her tongue on his braces. It never really worked out since. In college, she once got drunk at a party and had three guys finger her in the same night, she thinks, but can not confirm. But now, as a 41 year old woman, she was doing well. She had a stable boyfriend, a good job, and a fairly active sex life. Despite all of the mishaps, she always takes things in good stride.

“Mmm roll over baby,” she begged Ted, her lethargic boyfriend. Ted rolled over in bed to find Jenny in a red lace one piece, split down the middle, going up to her neck like a collar and crotchless for easy access. Ted’s body responded partially. Jenny, despite all her misfortunes was not unfortunate to look at. She was no longer the 5:30 AM Orange Theory type with a tight ass but she had a flat stomach, hips that can be grabbed, breasts that can be fondled and an ass that can be spanked. She was quite happy with the way she turned out.

Walked in on the professor part 3 [MF]

I sit there, dick deflated as I watch Sophie leave the office. I’m not sure what just happened but I did always wonder what it would be like. Her plump lips always looked like ones that would look delightful wrapped around a man.

“Ahem. Leave.” Dr. Fowler stares sternly as I saw him with his cock still in his hand. He wiped away a small cum spot on the floor with his wingtip shoe as I deftly exited. I caught eyes with the elderly administrative assistant who I feel has seen similar situations in the past

“Hey Sophie – umm can we talk about what happened – 1:08 pm”

Silence ensued for hours. Sophie is a good friend and any chance of hooking up in the past ended years ago. We were both drunk at a party as I was knuckle deep in her. What I thought was an orgasm was her dry heaving and then expertly vomiting on me. I still would’ve, but I lost my chance. She treated me like one of her gay friends. I’ve seen her in a bra and underwear before but never was it sexual despite me trying to hide an erection.

Walked in on the professor part 2 [MF]

Part 1 recap: our narrator is not great at physiology and goes to Dr. Fowler’s office for extra help to find Sophie on her knees servicing him.
“I-I-I I’m so sorry professor, I’ll leave now”

Dr. Fowler regained composure quickly despite having a sizable member waving in front of Sophie’s face.

“Well it looks as if there is a problem here” replies Dr. Fowler with a wry smile. “It appears as if you both want better grades and Sophie was well on her way to achieving it. Since you interrupted, and this would look unfavorably on me, I want to give you both a chance to get a passing grade…but only one of you can succeed. Sophie here is an expert at blowjobs and well, let’s see what you are made of. Five minutes. If Sophie can make you cum before five minutes are up, she gets the grade. If you last her best efforts, you win. Fair?”

I looked at Sophie, still on her knees between Dr. Fowler and me. She smirked and turned towards me. “You don’t need to do this.”

Walked in on the professor [MF]

“God dammit!” I thought when I received my physiology exam back. “I swear, I know how the body works, just this professor gets me every time” I said to no one.

Dr. Fowler was a fair professor, brilliant in fact. I learned a whole lot, but you would never know based on how I did in his class.

“Now class, we have one exam left and most did well last week so congrats. The others who are not so lucky, stop by this week. Okay?”

Sophie walked in last, as usual. Her hair always in a messy bun, looking as if she woke up 5 mins ago. But, she’s a friend and I give her the benefit of the doubt.

After a thrilling lecture on the endocrine system, I get some lunch. “Eh, I may as well bite the bullet and stop by.”

I walk across campus to Dr. Fowler’s office waiting to hear about how I’m not doing so hot. Normally his door is closed despite him always being in the office, but today is was partially open.