“Hide and Seek” Short Erotica Story (mf) –Please forgive any mistakes, I write for fun, not for publishing.

This is a story I wrote to settle myself down. It's the universes gift to writers that we can rewrite our experiences to be what we actually thought should happen, not what did. I apologize for grammar/ structure errors, though if you want to say what you liked/disliked I am open to hearing what could make my next story better. Please find the remainder of the story in the comments section. Enjoy!

“Alright, today’s exercise is hide and seek!” The petite cheerleader type announced from the center of the crowd. Twenty to thirty people stood in a ragged circle around the little woman with the high brown pony tail. The sun was beating down on the small clearing surrounded by towering conifers. The temperature hovered around comfortable, but standing still in the open was pushing the definition of the term. Not liking heat to begin with one tall female eyed the shadows between the trees with longing.

“Get on with it already,” Muttered a squat female with a rope of mahogany brown hair falling down her back. The comment made the taller woman just behind her grin.

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