I like to keep myself as smooth as possible. I (36T) mtf without all the hormones, surgeries and other therapy that would complete the ultimate transition. I take care of the majority of my hair removal maintenance, however I do have to seek professional help for the my back, glutes and between the cheeks. I do not seek the full manzillion as it is called as I don’t want hot wax spread over the sensitive bits when a daily razor works just as good and I don’t have to have a stranger manhandle the goods.
With that I tend to go every four to five weeks to get my hair ripped off. I tend to like Saturday mornings to start the weekend super smooth. I get up just in time to take a quick shower to make sure I am clean to be respectful of the wax technician. I show up in comfy leggings and a super soft t-shirt that will feel extra good once the hair is gone.