Sophie and Peter Part 1 [Cuckold]

Sophie clasped Peter’s hand. A mischievous smirk crossed her lips as her heels clacked against the cobble city street. She sashayed her hips with each confident step, her perfect arse bouncing in rhythm. Her knowing smile stretched slightly further. She knew she looked stunning as she felt stares all over her body.

“So nice to get out and explore the city, baby,” she said to her boyfriend, Peter, as they enjoyed the second night of their vacation together. He was around 5’8, fit, and attractive, and she loved him with her whole heart. He was exactly what she’d been waiting for for so long in a long-term relationship: someone genuinely kind and understanding, intelligent, who had her back, who shared her sense of humor and passion for reading, traveling, and growing in life. And now that they were getting closer to 30, she was sure she wanted him as a life partner.

“Yea Soph, its been amazing. I know you’ve always wanted to visit here too, so I’m so happy we could finally make it happen,” Peter responded, rubbing Sophie’s hand affectionately as they walked.