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Pokemon Z (Chapter 1) [f, bst, fantasy]

______________________________Chapter one___________________________________

Note that this is slightly tweaked from real Pokemon to make it more anatomically possible and bit more realistic. Stuff like carnivores and omnivores, sexual reproduction similar to their RL counterparts, etc. Plus to make characters of age. Locations and names will differ. I hope everyone enjoys! Sincerely, EG

In the little remote town know by the name Pauper I, just like almost every other kid, have dreamt of being a Pokemon Trainer since I was a little kid. Growing up I’d watch the Colosseum Battles every Saturday night, any time the local professor let children see his pokemon I was first in line and I had all the fan collectibles I could afford! Unlike most everyone else however my passion for Pokemon and my yearning for adventure grew over the years. While my friends and peers got jobs or went to get special educations I was one of the few who went under Professor Fir’s wing and learned in depth all I could about these wonderful creatures that we coexist with.