The Assistant

It was a normal Monday during the month of March. I had ready to prepare for a busy day of dental office visits to help out a few local doctors with previous cases. With my alarm reminding to get motivated I climbed out of bed and threw on some workout clothes to get in a heavy workout. Today’s schedule was upper back and biceps. Starting in my warm up I began to run through my work day in my head. There was one office that I had been to before and as I remembered clearly there was a specific assistant that had caught my eye. I hadn’t seen her before my last visit but she had the most beautiful brown eyes and redish tint hair.

Halfway through lifting, the room was hot and I was already drenched in sweat. With arms pumping weights, I had imagined seeing this girl again being a possibility. What’s her story? I thought to myself as I continued to push through the reps. Loosing my shirt to cool down a bit I started in my last set of weights. I was looking forward to what the day was planning to bring.

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More Than One Hole

Friday Night game night was upon us and we were switching things up tonight by going out for a game of golf with a new couple at a local Top Golf. I arrived at home quickly walking in to grab a shower before being picked up at 5. My wife Sandra, just getting out of the shower as I entered; Water dripping down her beautifully naked body and on to the floor as she wraps up in a towel. I gave a her a quick squeeze and a kiss on the lips before jumping in the shower.

After a quick wash up we began to get dressed, each in some nice jeans, she puts on a low cut top while I decide on a nice polo. Neither of us had been to this place before but we were excited for a night of new experiences and connections. As we were gathering our things and putting on our shoes we could hear the sound of a car engine pull up. “They’re here”, my wife said as she walked towards the door.

Game Night

Game Night

Saturday had arrived and plans for a couple’s game night had been prearranged by the wives. With the morning errands completed it was time for us prep for the get-together. My lovely wife, Sarah, is steadily putting together a salad bowl as I jump in the shower. We had just picked up a new card game that should create some interesting topics among the group. After grabbing my most comfortable shorts and t-shirt, I rush around, tossing the last few items in our bag. Sarah walks out around the corner of the bathroom and my eyes light up. She’s wearing a long flowing purple dress and she is standing casually while she combs her hair. “You sure you don’t want to stay here?” I teased with a smile. She chuckled with, “no, now let’s go, I don’t want to be late” she turns to grab her strapped sandals and walks toward the door.

Deep Tissue

As I lay half awake trying to decide if I should get up and shower the alarm finally rings out. Sitting up I feel this slight tug in my lower back. Having completed a workout the previous morning I could tell I was tight however this felt like a pulled muscle from fatigue. Grabbing my phone I sent a text to my massage therapist. To my surprise she had an opening. I quickly jump in the shower and threw on some workout clothes.

As I make my way there I remembered the last time I was there she had on the nice outfit with a v-neck top. She was an attractive woman long slightly curly long hair and a nice butt. I had always thought what it would be like to be touched by her during a massage, but like most this is a professional setting.

Categorized as Erotica

A Wedding to Remember

The season was in full swing. I have several weddings lined up for the next few months. Fall seems to always win over the wedding schedule. Steadily packing my camera gear and checking my list to make sure I have everything I need.

This afternoon venue is at a large plantation with a big white house overlooking a pond and rolling hills. I have my bag with both cameras, an extra lense and 2 light stands with mounted flashes, a list of all the shots on the bride’s wish list and a travel container of water. Time to get ready. Walking in my bathroom I started the shower and stepped in. The water was steaming, pouring down my naked body. I was running through todays scenarios in my head. This wasnt a large wedding but an attractive one. Bride and groom with 4 party members on each side. The guys were all high-school buddies and the women were from various life events, all around their mid 30s. Today should be a fun day I thought, looking forward to the free drinks and food after. I stepped out dried off and went to get dressed. Weather was crisp so I chose my black polo and shorts. Looking down at my watch it was time to leave.