A Religiously Devout Pregnant Woman Sins – (it’s a bit taboo)

‘Right you two. Let’s say some prayers before school. Ask God to bless us on this day,’ smiled Julia swiping a stray curl from her daughter Lucy’s brow. Lucy and her brother Ben nodded and took their seats.

Hands together at the breakfast table the three of them murmured their supplication to God. Concluding with a fervent amen, Julia laid her hand over Lucy’s.

‘You know baby, we are supposed to keep our eyes shut when we pray to God.’

Lucy frowned and scooped up a spoonful of cornflakes.

‘Sure, it’s not like he sees though,’ she said.

‘Oh he does. God sees everything. And wants us to honour him in our prayers. So next time, eyes stay closed. Ok baby?’

‘Ok,’ sighed Lucy.

The Maelstrom (Gay angel erotica)

Posting this again but with part two included. This is my first gay erotic story, I’d really appreciate some feedback. DM if you like.

Some human legends would have it that angels don’t wear clothes and that they just let it all hang out – mainly the Cherubim, the chubby baby ones. The truth is, there’s no such thing as the Cherubim. God would never allow juvenile angels to wield such power, much less zoom around the firmament naked. So nakedness isn’t really an option, more’s the pity. Because if it was, I’d so dearly love to see Volzirabeth unclad.

There. I’ve said it. I’ve finally admitted it to my conscious self.

I have unnatural feelings for Volzirabeth.

Immediately the darkest fear I’ve ever known rises up within me. God will be aware of my growing inclinations. She knows everything.

‘Kayelsharah, The Most Holy wishes to speak with you,’ says Usiu, suddenly appearing before me.

I knew it. I’m in trouble now.

If I had a heart it would be thumping wildly. But I don’t. I have feelings though and thoughts and quite frankly, at this moment, they are all over the place.

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Gay Angel Erotica – Maelstrom Part 1 (slow build)

Some human legends would have it that angels don’t wear clothes and that they just let it all hang out – mainly the Cherubim, the chubby baby ones. The truth is, there’s no such thing as the Cherubim. God would never allow juvenile angels to wield such power, much less zoom around the firmament naked. So nakedness isn’t really an option, more’s the pity. Because if it was, I’d so dearly love to see Volzirabeth unclad.

There. I’ve said it. I’ve finally admitted it to my conscious self.

I have unnatural feelings for Volzirabeth.

Immediately the darkest fear I’ve ever known rises up within me. God will be aware of my growing inclinations. She knows everything.

‘Kayelsharah, The Most Holy wishes to speak with you,’ says Usiu, suddenly appearing before me.

I knew it. I’m in trouble now.

If I had a heart it would be thumping wildly. But I don’t. I have feelings though and thoughts and quite frankly, at this moment, they are all over the place.

There is no time though to sort through it all. She must not be kept waiting.

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The Hiking Tease – a guy I can’t be with because he’s taken asked me to write on this subject.


*I must be mental! Absolutely bloody mental!*

*But I tried. I didn’t wear the sexy hiking shorts and I’ve only a tiny bit of makeup on. I’m trying to do the friend thing. I’m trying my best and I’m doing alright…*

All of this was true apart from the mental bit. However that might follow shortly, if the muscles of his calves didn’t stop doing what they were doing. He was wearing shorts. And hiking boots of course. He was also walking directly in front of her, making life very difficult. Every step he took, his leg muscles tensed. The shape of each strong sinew and tendon, defined. So male. So very fucking male. The breathable material of his shorts flowed over his toned ass and for a few fleeting seconds she saw it naked in her mind’s eye, flexed; those tell tale dents visible on each hip the way men only get when thrusting hard.

*Damnit Ruth! Focus on the scenery. The landscape. Look at his feet instead. Something. Just not his ass.*