Ghost in the Darkness – part 1

The version with added playlist is available here [](

She was a day late. I wasn’t worried. That’s what I was telling myself. Just a little concerned, mixed in with feelings of curiosity. There was no need to check my records, which I keep meticulously and have done for over twelve years. I knew she was overdue because Tabitha is an enigma. She stands out to me more than any other client in my career. She got my attention from the start.

I have had my fair share of the unusual alongside the stereotypical. The clients who need a plus one for an important event. The ones that want to experience their first orgasm. More than a few want to make their exes who dumped them for a younger model jealous by being seen out and about with the likes of me. That process is greatly assisted by the fact I resemble Travis Fimmel of the Viking TV series fame. I actually enjoy those gigs a lot. Watching the look on their lousy exes faces is priceless. Sometimes for good measure I’ll make a show of letting him see me grab her ass or whisper something dirty in her ear, like how I’m going to fuck her six ways till Sunday when I get her home; which I often do, for extra of course. The effect of that is usually plain for all to see – the client usually practically orgasms on the spot.

Mr Mystery Part 5 and 6

All the while we dance I presuming he’s going to take me home to his ‘dungeon’ for sex after. The thought of it makes my skin prickle. Everything feels like it’s moving towards that point at the speed of light. A dilemma indeed when I both want to stay in this moment and enjoy it but want to be alone and at his mercy too.

My aim was to thoroughly turn him on as he did me in my art studio but I can detect no arousal to speak of. Just playful happiness and a little visual intensity. I’ve glanced at his cock twice. I know he saw. Not very subtle Sheba. Not much going on there either.

The music stops and the staff inform us that it’s closing time as they gather and stack up glasses and sweep beneath tables and chairs.

‘I’ll take you home now,’ Nathaniel says.

He drapes my jacket over my shoulders and we step out into the night.

‘I really want to call Georgie and make sure she got home ok,’ I tell him.

‘Sure,’ he shrugs. ‘You should.’

Tired and Horny on the way home – Part 3

My dreams were troubled last night. I know I had more than one but I cannot remember them all. I was lost in a great featureless corridor of shining walls. Light was coming from somewhere and as I moved forward searching for a door, the temperature slowly began to rise. The more I hurried, the worse it became until finally I sat down in despair, sweating profusely; thoroughly trapped.

When I awoke, I really was damp with perspiration. My heart fluttered unnaturally as I wandered through into the kitchen to fill a tall glass with cold water. I sipped in the dark, leaning on the counter, looking out into the yard and listening. My heartbeat slowed with each sip and somehow my consciousness reached out to him in my increasingly sleepy state; probing what might be, considering, speculating.

In my mind’s eye, he is on his back, one foot slightly entangled in a white twisted sheet. His arms are thrown out wide; he feels safe, confident and strong even in his sleep.

Certain things stand out to me in my imagining. His strong jaw. I think of running my fingers over it, of painting it, smelling it because I’m damn sure he exudes powerful pheromones from there. I contemplate where else he might exude pheromones from…

Tired and Horny on the way home – Part 2

There is no polite way of saying this…my pussy is sore AF. When you’re in the midst of blood lust and you need to find your way through to the other side, you don’t tend to register pain as much. You do register toys however, which is great because I’ve a drawer full of them and I was, to be fair, in dire need. But ouch, I need a warm bath now. There’s no time for that though. I have a class to teach.

I heave myself out of bed and ignore the card from Nathaniel lying there on the bedside table. Another quick shower washes away my body’s liquid silk…there will be more in a while but I can’t do much about that. I’m trying to focus on work, I really am and not those eyes in the darkness begging me without words to…um,

Do stuff.

I arrive at the college after an uneventful journey on the Luas link. I enjoy my job, so the day passes quickly. I even have the energy to go for a swim afterwards at the gas works pool. The place is gorgeous. Restored to perfection. All the old brickwork arches kept. Milky green tiles on the walls. Soothing tones. The light is not too strong coming through the skylights. Either side of me, others enjoy the water, burning off the burdens of the day. I can feel their joy. We are fellow sybarites.

Categorized as Erotica

The Red Thong – a dirty dominatrix story

He was there as she’d instructed. He looked afraid even from this distance. His hands were still gripping the steering wheel, bone white. He must have been very cold since she’d denied him the privilege of clothes and had purposefully made him wait half an hour longer than arranged.

Tonight she was bedecked in a long leather coat. A favourite of hers and oh so wickedly vampish. She walked over, the heels of her thigh high boots clicking sharply as she considered his misdemeanour and what she had planned for him. Harsh his punishment maybe – but he deserved it. He was lucky she wasn’t letting him go. Stealing from a Domme was bad enough, but lying as well was a very serious offence.

She flung open the car door.

‘Don’t turn around,’ she snapped, cuffing his head. ‘Eyes forward.’

‘Yes Mistress.’

He obeyed, his shaggy blonde hair trembling around his face.

‘Did you bring them?’

‘Yes Mistress.’

‘Then give,’ she said coldly. Lena held out her hand and he rummaged around in the side door to retrieve a red studded pvc thong.

She snatched them back and eyed him thoughtfully.

Doing it by the Book

It had been almost a month since Hannah had stayed at the Galgorm yet she still hadn’t fully unpacked her things. She’d only taken a small rucksack, the one with the tribal design on it in natural dyes. She loved that bag and it had been big enough for the bare essential since it was just the one night stay.

She hurriedly took out her hoody and a few other bulky bits of clothing and left the toothbrush, make-up and other items lurking in the bottom. As long as there was enough room for her work folders – that was the main thing. Grabbing her travel mug, she exited the house and dashed to the car cringing at the lashing rain.

Traffic was naturally heavy since she was late. Such is sod’s law. She used the time to drink her coffee and check her appearance in the rear view mirror. Apart from the dampness of the rain speckling her hair, she looked good thanks to the spa treatments she had gifted herself during her hotel stay last month. They were extremely expensive but she reckoned she deserved the treat since she’d had to end things with Vince the week before and had ended up going alone. Admittedly there was a lot less sex than she had been hoping for during her stay – as in absolutely zero but she’d flirted plenty in the hotel bar and had even got a guys number towards the end of the night. Actually she’d forgotten all about that until now. It was probably still in her bag with most of her other stuff she surmised.

Categorized as Erotica

Obversion Perversion – a Switch Pegging Story

Be patient with it. It will be worth the wait – trust me.

For the story complete with playlists and photos click on the links below


She moved like a cloud, inconspicuously sailing on pins so fair, so utterly pallid, they were scarcely visible beneath her dusty violet dress of many layers. Any paler, they would have resembled dragonfly wings but without the charm of the rainbow iridescence evidenced by natures very own stained glass windows. All of this deemed her gossamer light in terms of presence yet ironically this did little to preserve her from notice.

‘I see ‘The Mouse’ has been shopping at Audrey Lockhart’s Granny boutique again,’ smirked an impeccably dressed woman, sipping on a generous serving of Sancerre. ‘How very insipid.’

The group of women she was with eyed Paige of the violet dress with crystalline eyes bejewelled by permafrost.

One of their number however was not so inexplicably consumed with avarice.

‘That’s not very fair Kenisha. I think she looks lovely. She seems like a sweet girl,’ the outlier said.

Kenisha scoffed and flicked ebony hair.

Kali – Part 3

Features violence including sexual violence

For the full post with playlists for the link below

This thought seemed to short circuit his brain. He woke up sometime later, covered in a sticky substance, his ass sore and burning but he was no longer restrained. She had moved onto other things. He sat up and ran his hand down his chest, grimacing at the malodorous fluid that webbed his fingers when he held up his hand.

A muffled sound caught his attention. She was sitting within the centre of a circle of men now; around eight in number. His theory that she was the Hindu goddess Kali was confirmed by the fact she appeared to have sprouted multiple arms and was now a pale blue colour. Each hand she used to either masturbate the men or fist them analy. Sometimes alternately and occasionally simultaneously. She would dig her long talons into their ball sacs, breathe fire onto their chests, removing hair and blackening nipples. Her hands were a blur of motion. Her face crazed and hungry. The men’s faces contorted in expressions that were mainly symbolic of agony but now and then when she wished to provide a contrast, she would let them cum before ramping up the torture levels again.

Kali – Part 2

Warning – violence and sexual violence

To view the original post with playlist follow this link

Instead of feeling gladness at her proclamation, Joel’s heart seized. She’d committed violence so casually, against men who were clearly traumatised and whose only sin was trying to find comfort in each other. These men didn’t want to be here. But for some reason he was not aware of yet, they risked being her next victim.

Who even was she?

A smell drifted into his nostrils.


He was burning. His hair had caught fire.

He glanced away from the sickening scene.

Kali cackled. She had noticed.

‘It would seem our new ’guest’ is a little weak stomached. I suggest we initiate him into our ways. You can help him John, as a reward for your honesty. Take Lawrence to the abattoir and the two of you prepare him for tomorrow’s feast. Be sure to keep the heart, brain and cock for me. The rest we shall spit roast and dine on.’

Everyone appeared impassive. Joel swallowed back bile. It just kept coming until his body gave him no choice but to spew the liquids of his stomach violently onto the ground.

Kali – Part 1

A two part dystopian erotica set in Ireland. For the version complete with playlists go to


Every atom inside Joel pulsed as if besieged by the radiation. When he struggled to sleep, which was often, he imagined each of his cells on a microscopic level with a nuclear sun flaring inside, ready to destroy him in the same way Putin’s Satan two nuke had obliterated Dublin, his country’s capital city. Fortunately he was quite far away. He had felt the scorching aftershock. Heard the deafening sound. Had observed the mushroom cloud of evil towering high into the stratosphere. But hidden beneath a concrete bridge he’d been afforded some protection at least.

Weakened, that bridge had now fallen; a shattered hunk of supposed human progress, reduced to mere dust and twisted metal. As had civilisation in just twenty three days. There had been no time to prepare. This added to the sense of desperation. People had turned feral with terrifying speed, looting stores for supplies, killing anyone who dared ask for help or God forbid tried to barter. Fear ruled. Humans had become wolves; most only loyal to whatever pack they had affiliated themselves with leaving the rest terrifyingly alone.