Lord Judas

There is no actual rule against it but I know I’m not supposed to. But I don’t care. They won’t know I’m coming if I am careful. Hospital staff are burnt out and vacant at the best of times. The fallout from NHESS cutbacks and the horror of covid is written plainly in that thousand yard stare that is all too common a sight on the wards.

In the back of my mind I can sense Millar calling to me. He wants this. My feeble human is desperate to serve, to be drained in multiple ways. His need to spill his seed is secondary to my needs though of course.

Mistress needs to feed quite urgently.

The question is can a vampire dominatrix over three thousand four hundred years old restrain herself with her Submissive lying helpless in a human hospital where he is receiving treatment for cardiac issues? With the smell of blood everywhere? Him so helpless and others around him so defenseless and sickly too? – a veritable banquet that could drive me to madness if I am not very careful.

I must exercise control. Judas will not like it if I attract the attention of the authorities.

Categorized as Erotica

‘The Mandate’ – medieval cock sucking lessons for the virginal daughters of the aristocracy.

If you want the extensive Bardcore playlist follow the link below (it is part of the story) but if music isn’t your thing that’s cool too. Stay here and read.


***Medieval times in some far away kingdom…***

‘Come now girls, for tonight thou shalt knowest and learn something of the secrets pertaining to womanhood!’

The young girls tripped along behind me through the torch lit castle corridors, with florid cheeks and excited whisperings upon their lips. Perhaps they imagined what was to follow to be further needlework instruction or may hap, tutelage on raising babes. Twas not the case though. Upon orders of the King himself, these dozen maidens who were daughters of high ranking aristocrats and now of marriageable age, had been put in my charge so that they might come to grasp the basics in relation to the arts of the bedchamber.

It was undoubtedly going to be a challenge, I knew that much. They had led shielded, coddled lives; two had been raised in a convent. But no matter. I had devised a way to introduce them to such wonders in a light hearted and gay manner.

Sissy Issy #sissification #dominatrix #belfast

Beyond the thick glass the lights of the city softened somnolent notes of dusk. The Belfast hills became enshadowed strokes of naive charcoal. Offices all around emptied like hexagonal cells of bees since it was St Patrick’s Day tomorrow and the holiday mood was high.

I was an aberration though and probably not the only one. Others no doubt remained at their places of work too for various reasons – to keep the financial wolves at bay, to avoid the nagging wife/husband and gaggle of kids waiting at home – seeking solitude perhaps? But no, not I. I was not amongst the mundane, I was here waiting.

The waiting brought a newness to my day. I don’t wait willingly as a rule. When for example I ask for documentation to be sent to me within the hour, it arrives promptly, as well it should. When I ask for a coffee, my cute little assistant Sandra brings it to me – promptly. This is my kingdom and I am The King here. Every single brick, tile, desk, wall, vent, wire, lift, conduit, everything in The MaGauran building is mine. All paid for.

Soul Standing by – Parts 1 & 2 #Dark #Fantasy #Gothic #Christmas #Fucking

As a sort of erotica advent calendar I’m releasing a new part to this story every day on my website ending at Christmas. Each days offering will be raunchier than the last.


You can find these two parts there complete with playlists. Please don’t hesitate to give feedback.

‘So brother, the time has come.’

The wind whipped Knecht Ruprechts’ bluish pewter hair as he approached St Nicholas on the high plains of Salem-Megiddo.

‘Ho ho ho. Ha, Hum. Ahem! Has it really?’

Father Christmas’s big belly shook a little but not necessarily with merriment when he spoke. The traditional wooden pipe hanging jauntily from the corner of his mouth emitted a deep and fragrant plume that evoked notes of frankincense, cinnamon and myrrh and intoxicated just a little. That plume shouldn’t have been there. Yet it was.

‘Yes it has,’ Knecht Ruprecht said, licking his thin black twisted lips; his sharpened fangs threatening to pierce them as he drew ever closer. ‘And you know our bargain. Our kind do not forget. I restrain my evil side and hordes for ninety nine years and serve you in delivering joy to the world and on the hundredth year, me and my kind are released to deliver our own special christmas gifts to the adults of earth.’

Mine – part 2 #stripper #club #lactation #MILF #NSFW #Mommy #playlist





Who ever would have thought I’d end up doing something like this? It’s not that I think it’s beneath me. No. It’s just that it’s so weird. I mean what do the men get out of this that they couldn’t get from porn? I know there’s some very strange and very very base stuff available at just a few clicks of the keyboard if you go looking, which I did, for research purposes only, just the other day. Having scared myself rapidly, I soon closed the window and went back to my usual thing of watching funny owl videos and drinking camomile tea. I’m not cut out for this.

That night, once I’d gotten over my shock, I took out my breast pump and vibrator and tried to relax into an orgasm within the privacy of my own comfy bed. My thoughts kept returning though to what might be expected. I just found it hard to imagine myself doing it. I’m really not that sort of girl.

No point putting a well thought out title here #Cuckold #Dom #Redhead #Switch #Pegging #Voyeurism #Kitten #Oral

That’s right. There. Lick me in just that exact spot. Find Sir’s cum.

And you know we need to make the most of this because we only have tonight. I won’t be seeing you again after this little pup. So please me. Put that shaggy head to good use between my legs and get to work. I need distracted from all the welts my Dom has left striped across my back and my equally abused bum.

Oh yes… I’m just going to lie back here, gingerly and recline. I’m going to think about your cock pulsating, and the ridiculous jealousy I sense it feels towards your tongue that’s currently mining my depths.

Oh how I want to lick your overflow too. Can you see the hunger for it in my eyes? Meet me. Greet me with lust, now.

Come here.

We lean forward so our tongues can joust and stroke. I taste me on you as you pant and squeeze my left breast in playful exuberance.

Return to your task. Seek what you need so urgently. You know I’m full of sweetness for you.

Undoing the Shy – a cuckold story

A year ago it would have seemed odd to Jay that his brother Drew wanted to come round tonight. They had only just seen each other at the weekend after all. Georgia had made mexican food and they had all sat and watched the game together with beers and delicious over stuffed burritos. Yet Drew was asking to come round on his own tonight to Jay’s place.

Jay gave his response a second and third thought, his thumb hovering over the keypad of his phone. They were getting along much better now and he didn’t want to ruin it by blowing him off with a lame excuse.

Sure. What time? I’ll be home after seven.

I’ll swing by at half eight. Make sure you’ve got some cold ones in the fridge.

Lolz. Will do. See you then.

It was a hot one on the building site today. Jay worked himself to the bone, sweating and panting as he carried lumber and other building materials up and down the scaffolding. By the time he got home, his powerful muscles were sore and his skin slightly more than tanned as he had taken his shirt off part way through the day. When he got through the door just after seven, he flopped onto the couch immediately with a cold one in hand. He knew he smelled bad but he just could not move another inch just yet. His shower would have to wait.

Queen’s Gambit

I’m trying not to be a complete neanderthal. But not thinking about what she might wear is killing me. Flashes of pencil skirts keep coming to mind. Heels. Oh fucking stop it Jude.

Indicate. Turn. Blip blip.

Focus on driving.

Lights from passing cars attempt to pierce the haze of need emanating from me. As does the radio. I hardly know what to do with myself. It’s both our faults. All those late night conversations. She’s like the Queen of Flirting.

Actually, that’s not her moniker.

It’s ‘The Queen’s Gambit.’

I don’t even know her real name.

In a way it’s kind of more fitting. Because I feel like a fly rushing headlong into a web, with her waiting in the middle to dissect me. She is definitely more switched on than most. She has stated clearly that she loves the game. She’s not open to love, cuddles and shared kit kats by the fireside on dark nights. So God knows what I’m going to find when I walk in.

Trust her to choose a place like this. A generic cafe. Where she can torture me. Maybe by not torturing me. I do not fucking know.

Final Part of Getting Creative – (part of a series called perfect imperfection) #diversity #inclusivity #dealingwithissues #respectdifference

**Ok. The premise for this series is that we aren’t all billionaires, hunks and stunners or even healthy but we still tend to have sex lives or at the very least want to. Erotica can be a bit too perfectionist for my liking sometimes and having suffered for two years from a serious skin condition myself and still wanted and did manage to maintain an active sex life, I decided to write about those of us who are perfect in our imperfections; to give hope and to broaden peoples attitudes hopefully.**

The next date they had he took her out for a meal. He didn’t intend to be one of those pricks who used a woman as a vessel simply for his own pleasure and gave nothing back. He genuinely wanted to please her. Spoil her. She had given him so much already. Made him happier.

‘Where would you like to go?’ he’d asked.

‘I don’t mind, wherever suits,’ she’d responded.

‘No pretty lady. You get to decide. The choice is yours.’

Categorized as Erotica

Ghost in the Darkness – full story. #male escort #prostitution #diversity #trauma #romance #flawed #challenges #notperfect

She was a day late. I wasn’t worried. That’s what I was telling myself. Just a little concerned, mixed in with feelings of curiosity. There was no need to check my records, which I keep meticulously and have done for over twelve years. I knew she was overdue because Tabitha is an enigma. She stands out to me more than any other client in my career. She got my attention from the start.

I have had my fair share of the unusual alongside the stereotypical. The clients who need a plus one for an important event. The ones that want to experience their first orgasm. More than a few want to make their exes who dumped them for a younger model jealous by being seen out and about with the likes of me. That process is greatly assisted by the fact I resemble Travis Fimmel of the Viking TV series fame. I actually enjoy those gigs a lot. Watching the look on their lousy exes faces is priceless. Sometimes for good measure I’ll make a show of letting him see me grab her ass or whisper something dirty in her ear, like how I’m going to fuck her six ways till Sunday when I get her home; which I often do, for extra of course. The effect of that is usually plain for all to see – the client usually practically orgasms on the spot.