The Walk of Shame

I probably should’ve just left after I gave Nick his blowjob, but we snuggled together and I fell asleep. When I woke up, the sun was starting to peek through the windows of his room at the fraternity. I look at the clock on his desk and it was just after 6 a.m. I poked him in the ribs.

“Nick, honey, wake up,” I whispered, hoping he would offer a ride back to the Tri Delt house, but he didn’t budge. I caressed his face with my hand.

“Nick, baby, I gotta go,” I said. He moaned softly and rolled over. Great, I thought. He’s not even going to wake up to walk me out. He’ll just open his eyes and I’ll be gone. From the frat boy perspective, it would be a perfect morning-after.

I slowly pushed myself out from under him and stood up, my legs slightly wobbly. I knew I started the evening with panties, they couldn’t have gone far. I looked under his desk, under the couch, lifted a few cushions. Nothing. My dress was draped over a chair so I gingerly picked it up and stepped into it, pulling the snug fabric up my body. Oh, well, I thought, he can keep my panties as a souvenir.

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Return to My Party Ways

In the end, the disciplinary committee didn’t do anything. They sent me a letter urging me to “exercise good judgment and restraint” in social settings, especially those sponsored by the sorority. It didn’t mean anything and the girls who thought I acted like a slut continued to give me the side-eye, while most of the other girls at Tri Delt didn’t care one way or the other.

Two weeks after the hearing, a girl named Lily, who lived on my floor and who I was friendly with, but didn’t really consider a friend asked me if I was going to the party Friday night at ATO. I said I really hadn’t thought about it and she told me she and her roommate were planning on going and asked if I wanted to go with.

“Sounds good,” I said brightly, wondering if she knew anything about why I’d been called in front of the committee.

When Friday night rolled around, I spent several hours getting ready and picked out what I thought would be the perfect outfit for the party – black mini with heels and a top that was demure in front but fairly open in back with the cutest little spaghetti straps over my shoulders. Just the right amount of make-up and eyeliner gave me what I thought would be a fresh, girl-next-door look with just the right amount of sexy.