Summer Nightmare – Part 1 [M/F] [Incest] [Noncon] [Oral] [Blackmail]

Jerry sat at the large round table in the kitchen of his home eating a bowl of cereal. It was early still, just after 6am on summer Thursday morning. Jerry was 15, tall for his age at 6’1, and athletic from playing baseball every year since he was 7. He had short cropped dirty blond hair and piercing blue eyes. Girls never really noticed him, mainly because he kept to himself. He emanated misanthropy so the girls at school tended to steer clear of him, but he watched them. He kept to the background, secretly lusting for their young bodies; to pin one of them down and fuck them until his balls were dry. Jerry lived with his parents and 19-year-old sister. He avoided them at any cost, which was why he was up at 6am eating breakfast so that he could get back upstairs to his room before anybody woke up.