A Fancy Dinner – Pet Play for Lovers [mf]

This place really is the best. Locally sourced organic ingredients prepared by the most skilled chefs in the region means nobody else comes close. Four stars. James looks dashing in his fancy rented tuxedo, top hat, and monocle. Like a sexy Monopoly Man without the mustache. Maggie is absolutely stunning in her new dress. It’s perfect. Elegant and flowing with plenty of room to hide her tail taped to her leg, it is just the right amount of revealing on top. Any more so and the effect would be ruined. With a fancy hat and mesh veil to hide her ears, it’s the perfect disguise. Nobody would ever guess she is a pet. The disguises would be more effective if they were more subtle but where’s the fun in that? They own this room.

Maggie vibrates with excitement as dinner is served. Caviar and escargot with champagne doesn’t appeal to James but Maggie loves it and that makes it worth the exorbitant cost. These things don’t even occur around here. They probably come from a can. Pet tastes; go figure. Smiling widely, James cuts into his steak while Maggie chows down with perfect manners. It’s not often they get to share a night like this so they savor the time even more than the food.

Categorized as Erotica

Pet Play for Lovers – The Hunt

“Maggie! You give those keys back right now.”

Maggie makes a pouty face and pretends to hand the keys over before pulling away and grinning slyly.

“I can’t play now. I have to go to work. Give me the keys.”

Maggie runs and hides behind the couch.


Maggie sulks as she comes back and hands the keys over.

“Thank you. We’ll play after work, I promise.”

James heads out for another workday.

With another day behind him, James stands ready to unlock the door when a blur flashes by him, snatching the keys from his hand. Cackling maniacally, Maggie makes a run for the tree-line while James is left looking at his empty hand. “That little bitch!”, James mutters to himself. If Maggie wants a chase, she’s going to get one and the head-start given while James collects himself isn’t going to save her. It’s on now.

Categorized as Erotica

Pet Play for Lovers – James has a bad day [M/F]

James arrives at home much later than usual. His Sweet Girl Maggie hugs his leg tightly feeling relieved that her Greatest Love is finally home. He’s never failed to return before but the thought of it is so scary that poor Maggie can’t help but worry. James smiles warmly and pats Maggie’s head softly before turning his attention elsewhere.

Oh no! Maggie knows something is wrong because James is always so happy to be home. With great concern, Maggie watches James closely to get a feel for the problem.

Categorized as Erotica

Trouble at The Park [Pet-play for lovers][mf][Sweet]

The shining sun and gentle breeze make it a perfect day to spend at the park. The owners stand in the shade while thier pets run and play. James loves watching his Sweet Girl Maggie zoom aroud, squealing in delight while she plays with her friends. It’s ridiculous how much joy she brings to his life.

“Max! MAX!! NO!!!”

An absolute unit of a pet has pulled free from his owner and now charges across the park toward Maggie and her friends. Before James can intervene, the monster pet pounces on Maggie, pinning her to the ground. James. Sees. Red. He sprints over and tackles the monster, knocking it clear of his terrified Sweet Girl. James and the monster scramble to their feet and square off. James feints a strike and the monster goes for it, leaving James and opening to take it down. The threat has been nutralized.

Max’s owner, a tiny woman finally arrives and regains her hold on the leash. “OMG, I’m so sorry.”

James ignores the tiny woman and turns his attention to his Sweet Girl. He checks her over for injuury before scooping her up, cradling her in his arms. Wiping the tears from her face, James comforts Maggie with his soothing voice. “Don’t cry, my Sweet Girl. You’re safe now.”

Categorized as Erotica

What did you do? Bad girl! [mf][Petplay for lovers]

James immediately knew something was wrong when he came home to find only one of his brand new tennis shoes where he left it. And sure enough, he found his Sweet Girl Maggie sitting on her cushion beside the remnants of the missing shoe with a guilty look on her face. James understands and even sympathizes to an extent. His new hobby has been taking time away from his Sweet Girl but this is too much. Clearly he needs to reinforce boundaries.

“What did you do?” barks James in his authority voice. He’s not angry but he is very serious. As he holds up a piece of the destroyed sole to his ~~Sweet Girl~~ Bad Girl, she throws herself at his feet and exposes her belly. “You’re a Bad Girl and you will be punished.”

James roughly pulls off her new sweater and unbuckles the collar from her neck. “These were special gifts for my Sweet Girl but since you can’t behave yourself, I’m taking them away. Now go to your kennel and think about what you’ve done.”

Categorized as Erotica

When the goodest girl goes wild, she becomes the wildest. [mf] – A new take pet play

James sits in his car mentally preparing himself to face the evening. He never knows what to expect at this time of the month but it can get bad, dangerous even. His Sweet Girl, while exceedingly loving and gentle most of the time turns savage when she’s ovulating. With a deep breath, James finds his nerve and enters the lioness’ den, formerly known as his home.

It’s as bad as he’s ever seen. The house is trashed. Furniture is upheaved, there’s water all over the floor, and some broken dishes. Timidly, James calls out to his Sweet Girl, “Maggie? I’m home.” James hears a crash from upstairs followed by the thundering of feet on the stairs.

He braces for impact but nothing could prepare him for the savage fury of his Sweet Girl. She leaps from the doorway hitting James cleanly in the midsection and taking him to the ground. James lands hard, his head bounces off the floor, and he loses consciousness for a moment. In the few seconds that passed, his Sweet Girl Maggie, now a savage animal, has pulled off his belt and bloodied his stomach by clawing at his pants. James shoves his attacker aside and rolls into the garage, closing the heavy steel door behind him.

Categorized as Erotica

He loves his Sweet Girl. She’s the goodest. [Str8]

It’s been a tough week for James. The machines on his line at the factory broke down several times resulting in extra long days for him and the other millwrights. The good news is that the next paycheck will significantly larger and James has already spent the money on something that will bring him great joy. Maggie is going to love it and that makes James very happy.

When James gets home, he is greeted by a very excited Maggie just overflowing with excitement wanting nothing more than to jump into his arms. She struggles to contain herself as he sets down his shopping and takes off his work boots. Tippy tapping her little feet in place until he’s finished, she leaps onto her Greatest Love, wrapping her arms and legs around him. James catches her effortlessly despite his fatigue and squeezes his her tightly. “Oh my Sweet Girl, I’m so happy to be home. I missed you so much. Are you hungry? Let me get your dinner.”