Trigger warning and remember, real rape is a horrible and violent act. The story presented here is fantasy, nothing more and should be enjoyed as such.
Wrote this while laying about the house. Things in real life have been comparatively boring since I got my nips pierced last week. Still tender and it will be a while until fully healed. So enjoy!
I ran through the brush, stumbling, my breathing ragged as the invisible branches tore at my skin as I ran through the dark. I didn’t know where I was anymore, the light of park receding as he herded me towards ever greater darkness. I only heard three sounds in my desperation, my clumsy footsteps, my pounding heart, and his steady advance, somewhere behind me. Where had he come from, I wondered.
I had been out for my early morning run, needing to be done early enough to get to the bus station and head out to work. I preferred my sunrise jogs, but work had needed me in early and this was my only choice. I hated treadmills and despite the park being closed, no one had ever hassled me here before. Until now.