The night I knew sex will be a problem in my life.

First of all I’m not a native English speaker so, sorry if there is some weird sentence. I hope it will be understandable and enjoyable.

It was about a decade ago I was 16 or 17 and I was in a relationship with a girl but we kinda take a break in our relationship the time this story take place.

I hadn’t talk to my “Girlfriend” for a week or two and the last conversation ended up badly, so I acted like we were not together anymore.

Shortly after that event I went to a party where I run into an old friend of mine I didn’t talk to for about 4 or 5 years, she was a good friend back then but our road take different path with time.

Let’s call her A for the rest of the story.

A was my age, a nice short Blonde with a cute face, nice little, fat ass and chubby curve.she was short, about 1m55. For comparison I’m 1m75.

So we talked to each other for a long time and decided to swap our number to keep contact after the party.