“Miss Haley” Ep. 4

Note: [Series Start](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/12980w0/i_m22_received_a_special_graduation_present_from/) | [Last Episode](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/12fq5pm/miss_haley_ep_3/)


I wiped my mouth walking across the yard. I couldn’t taste my jizz, but the sight of it covering my former teacher’s bare chest was enough. The proof was in the pudding: I had crossed a point of no return. The hill had plateaued. All that was left was a downfall.

My parents watched me walk back in like I was a visitor. They looked at me like they “already knew”. I tried to play it cool as I walked by them, but they asked me where I had run off to.

I told them I went to go work on my manuscript, but they revealed to me that my car was still in the driveway. I stammered as I told them that Miss Haley was staying next door and helping me.

I’m a shit liar. The look my parents gave me showed me that without saying it.

“By yourself, with just her over there?” were the words that came out of my dad’s mouth.

I croaked out a yes, explained again that she was critiquing my novel, and took to the stairs whistling as if that made it even less suspicious. I thought I was in the clear until my stepmom called up the stairs.

“Miss Haley” (Ep. 3)

Note: [Episode One](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/12980w0/i_m22_received_a_special_graduation_present_from/) | [Episode Two](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/12bt8g7/miss_haley_ep_2/)


Miss Haley and I exchanged numbers after our “meeting” in the shed. It was a choice that I regrettably remember as the point where our relationship began to take a twist.

At first it was nice, you know? We had a very conversational and joking chat going on. My old teacher was so down-to-earth through text that she began to open up with me on a personal level. Miss Haley talked to me about her frustrations with the school administration. She gossiped to me about which of her fellow teachers were assholes, which were creeps, and the ones who had more personal problems than the students they taught. They all surprisingly lined up with my own opinion about them.

Then she divulged into her own marriage to Mr. Guthrie, and that was a pandora’s box that I really regret getting into. She revealed that their marriage wasn’t going too well after two years. That Mr. Guthrie was too controlling.

That surely didn’t surprise me.

Mr. Guthrie taught junior-senior AP Math and had a reputation for being a stern hard-ass. His early-40s and balding high-and-tight military haircut said that best, in my opinion. But it was Miss Haley’s venting that revealed a level of unhappiness I never knew she had.

Categorized as Erotica

“Miss Haley” {MILF Teacher F30s/Former Student M21} {BJ/Gentle Femdom}

1,300 words


Sage Aberdeen was twenty-one when he returned home from college. He went to a university a few states over, so he found work and places to crash or rent for his four years of school. But by the spring of that final year, Sage had graduated with a bachelor’s degree in English Lit.

That meant he was destined for either two things: continue for his master’s or begin a long career in either the food, retail, or hospitality industry.

Sage chose the first option without a second thought.

He moved back home to a surprise graduation party that summer. It would only be temporary because Sage had just been accepted into a creative writing program down in Florida of all places. Being the only child, his father and stepmother went all out with the celebrations. They brought in catering. He had graduation presents galore (mostly cash and checks). The house was full of people: family and high school friends, overbearing aunts, happy drunk uncles, cousins whom he barely talked to, and even Mrs. Guthrie.