Santa’s Visit [Str8] [MF] [Oral] [First Person]

My eyes darted open as shuffling noises downstairs awoke me. “I bet she’s trying to open her presents.” I muttered to myself as I slowly climbed out of bed, slipping my robe around me as I made my way out of my room. Her bedroom door was still ajar so I slid my head around to see the blanket rising and lowering softly. My heart began to speed up at the thought of an intruder in my home but against my better judgement I carefully tip-toed to the landing in an attempt to see who, or what, was causing the disturbance. A puzzled look spread across my face as I watched a man in a red suit sat in my arm chair eating a cookie. He seemed harmless so I began to make my way downstairs.

“Who are you?” I blurted out once I reached the doorway of my living room. His head sprung up, shock washed over his face before quickly turning to a smile.