Hiccups, Wonderful Breasts. This is not really a story per se [STR8] [MF]

…nor is it necessarily sexy, but just whatever. I have a coworker with two things relevant to this: an undiagnosed hiccuping problem, and just the most amazing breasts. To put it in reddit terms, fortyfivefiftyfive retrousse breasts which are so wonderful that my job consists of two things: starting at her chest, and looking busy while I’m actually just positioning myself to stare at her chest.

(She’s great; like, a phenomenally competent person who knows how to do everything, super funny, and although she’s not the boss, we all [often the actual boss as well] default to her de facto leadership. We all love her. And good god, can this woman wear a tight shirt. And her behind? She somehow makes Dickies sexy.)

I’m sure I’m not her only colleague sneaking glances. She was recently showing me how to take on a new task, but I did not learn a thing because that day she happened to be wearing a low-cut shirt and no bra. I tried my best.

An ache. [str8 M/F]

(There are a couple private jokes as I wrote this with a certain someone in mind – I hope they don’t detract. I’d appreciate your constructive criticism. Thanks for reading!)

I try so hard not to think about you. But there is still such a deep ache, this yearning I can’t get rid of.

Fantasy consumes me throughout the day – when I make coffee, I’m making coffee for you. I pick an outfit because I hope the colors and fabrics will please you. The steering wheel becomes your hips. I think of a joke to tell you only to hear the much wittier reply you would have. I watch a pretty sunset and your elegant hand is in mine. My pillow becomes your shoulder. I feel myself smile when I think of you. It’s just so awful, this terrible, terrible longing.

But I like to imagine being alone with you, walking into a hotel room. Rushing into a hotel room, rather – the mad anticipation making us barely able to get the key card into the reader, how do doorknobs work?