Titans Movie Night Extravaganza Bang Fest (watersports version linked inside!)

(So apparently people actually read [my garbage](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/8nlgtg/black_widow_screws_the_mcu_chapter_one_friends/) here (an EXTREMELY belated thank you for the kind words on my last story here to /u/tidho and /u/mms08 so I bring you the gift of more smut!
The [piss](https://www.hentai-foundry.com/stories/user/Arson/38675/Titans-Movie-Night-Extravaganza-Bang-Fest-watersports) version of this story (which can be found at that link) was commissioned to me via email by an anonymous user. If you liked it and would like to shower me with the big bucks or want me to write something equally as messy for you, please follow me on [patreon](https://www.patreon.com/arsonwriter) or email me at arsonwriter@gmail.com!)

It was a normal Saturday night off for the Titans, a good old relaxing movie among friends. It had been tradition for almost as long as they had been together, a night off for popcorn, a favorite or unknown movie and a night of fun and laughs. At its most risqué, it might have involved Beast Boy committing to some of the most awkward (yet charming) flirting that Raven could imagine to a bad romcom.

But then Starfire had to open her big, dumb, alien mouth.

The moment Starfire had mentioned that being crunched up on the couch reminded her of Grebnakthog, some perverted Tameranian festival mostly involving a depraved orgy.

Black Widow Screws the MCU: Chapter One – Friends with Benefits (Captain America) [MF]

**Black Widow Screws the MCU: Chapter One – Friends with Benefits**

Natasha Romanoff had never been one for any sort of established relationship, likewise, she had never actually been one to court her own friends. Those were few and far between, and she had never found too much use in anything so personal. Sex was one of two things for Black Widow, it was a quick release, done namelessly and anonymously, once or twice a month when her urges got too strong. If not that, then it was done for business. To extract information, to bribe some unwitting goon, or for an opportunity to slip a knife in their throat if need be. Her job always seemed to become much easier as soon as someone loosened their belt.

So when she first decided to kiss Steve Rogers, or as the world knew him, Captain America, for the first time, she hadn’t thought much of it. They had been on the run for days, Hydra had been hunting for them across New York and as they had found themselves cornered in a shopping mall, she had to find a way to make them look like any other ‘couple’ in the building. The kiss had gotten them past the agents searching for them, but more than that, it had made something click inside of both of them.