The Trail [MFF] [Voy] [Bi]

Stepping out on the trail head, he shifts his backpack, and starts off. He had been meaning to do some hiking for some time now, but between work and school, had not found the time. Now he has the weekend off, a thirty-pound pack, and plenty of water bottles and energy bars to last a few hours on the trail.

He set his iPod on shuffle and let his mind wander as he hiked.

After an hour, he had worked up a good sweat and decides to stop at the halfway point in the trail. There was a shelter set back 80 feet from the trail to allow hikers to rest without being too near the path. Walking towards it, he heard a sound from the shelter like a woman moaning.

Taking off his headphones and setting down his pack, he edges closer, listening intently, certain he had only imagined it. Sure enough, the only noises were silence, a breeze through the trees, and the birds singing.

Then suddenly, "Aahh!"

There it was again, louder and more insistent. As he drew closer, he could hear what sounds like a stuttering breath of a girl, and muffled hum.