NEW POST Office Politics/Blackmail – Chapter 22

Chap.21 – [](

After reheating dinner, Sherry shared the issue regarding Ron, while just picking at her dinner. “I want you to know, “ she told Jono, “I am not provoking any of this. Ron is just jealous. He doesn’t know the who, he just knows that there *is* a who.”

“I’m glad you are telling me this, little one,” Jono replied. “I can’t just fire him or talk man to man to him, he isn’t that mature mentally, but I know how to handle him. Remember, it’s always good to hold an Ace.”

Sherry was really comforted by that, but she didn’t really eat. Rather, she continued to pick at her food. She was quite lovely, wearing the little satin PJ shorts and tank top. But it was clear, she was a bit cool. “Wait here,” Jono said, and in a moment returned with a fleece blanket. She gladly took it from him, with a broad smile.

“OK woman, you need to spill it, what is really going on here,” Jono told her. “we have been at this almost a month now, and I know a few things about you.” Touching her knee, Jono looked he in the eye and said, “Come on, I know there is more than our ‘talk’ that we just had….right?” He finished with his sly grin.

NEW POST Office Politics/Blackmail – Chapter 21

Chap.20 – [](

Although part of his did *not* want to do it, Jono had the end goal in mind, so he slowly removed himself from the oral that he had been giving her. Sherry looked totally confused. She was closer to orgasm than he first realized, so stopping was, after all, a good thing. Besides, what was coming next…..

As her Man was pulling away, Sherry was beyond shocked. ”Sir-Sir!”..She pleaded in a half-moan. She looked at him with eyes that were both desperate and hurt. What the hell was he doing?

Removing his shirt and dropping his pants & boxers, Jono said, “No woman, trust me….” And, laying down beside her, he said, “I want you on top, woman. I want you to ride me wearing that outfit.”

Sherry was at least mentally on the road to an orgasm, but this ‘break’ had confused her, and she was not happy about it, yet did as told. Straddling Him, she grabbed His Dick, thining about it’s girth, and was about to put it in…

NEW POST Office Politics/Blackmail – Chapter 20

Chap.19 – [](

Jono was feeling very confident coming in. The conference could not have gone better, and his career was doing very well. How the site reports looked over the next few weeks would tell the tale though. Knowing his property would be an integral part of it meant he had to be careful, but it also made him hard, especially as he turned into the drive and found her car in the empty garage slot.

Jono entered the condo, and placing some carry out on the kitchen table, he noted the sweet smell of Sherry’s perfume. It was esepcially nice. Tossing his keys on the counter as always, he walked into the den, to see this gorgeous woman sitting on the small sofa, exactly as instructed. She was even holding the house-key out for his inspection. It made him smile very broadly, and he nodded. “Very good little one, verrrrrrry good.” He said, as he took her by the hand and tugged her to her feet.

NEW POST Office Politics/Blackmail – Chapter 19

Chap.18 – [](

As before, Sherry’s days fell quickly to a routine. She would text a mirror pic of herself in her sleep wear, the also pics of her clothes. He had thoughtfully provided a set of baggy/loose satin PJ tops and shorts/bottoms that were very comfortable, if not a bit cool. Thank good ness for her fleece sheets & blankets. It was apparent that Jono mostly liked skirts that stopped at the knee…or a bit above. She was well aware of the firm’s clothing policy, but was not above flirting with it, either. All the same, she could not resist a snarky snicker when He had requested that she wear a few of the longer length skirts/dresses in his absence. Keeping care of her indeed.

Her car was going to require “Major Surgery” as it turned out, so He had graciously seen to it that she be allowed continual use the company car. The sunroof and leather seats were a nice perk, and she felt ‘held’ by Jono while driving it.

NEW POST Office Politics/Blackmail – Chapter 18

Chap.17 – [](

Jono had always tried to be the “Tough Dom-Type” being “Cruel to Be Kind” and taking pleasure on it, but had never quite managed it. He guessed it was really due to his now-deceased wife. She had started them down this road only after they were married, so caring deeply for her meant that he now always cared deeply for the person he was training, he really *did* care. Jono felt that her anus would come in time, and even Sherry acknowledged that she was in a different place mentally. A step at a time, he thought.

But those thoughts were pushed out his head as Sherry used her fist to pump his cock. Jono groaned in response. “Yes little on, ooooohhhh……” he trailed off into a groan. Gathering his faculties somewhat, Jono said, “OK now little one, As we did last time, I want you to run your lips along the side of my shaft, then up to the head. Do it.”

Sherry smiled at this. Reaching into her bag, she came out with the balm, and slathered a bit on Jono’s dick. It certainly made it taste better, and as she reached the head she remarked “Raspberry, my favorite.” Then took the head of Jono’s cock in her mouth.

REPOST- NEW POST Office Politics/Blackmail – Chapter 17

Chap.16 – [](

NOTE: this is NEW & NOT A RE-POST —-YAY!!!!!!

Sherry had really been enjoying how she made this man feel. It gave her a sense of personal pride and acceptance to say that she was pleasing Him, even if it was thru something as simple as clothes. It caused her moan aloud when Jono said he wanted to fuck her. This thing in her butt though, was different. She could understand that each time she had allowed Jono to do what he wanted, she had benefitted. But this thing in her ass was different. It was uncomfortable to the point of mild pain, and she wanted it out.

Sherry had found as they ate that shifting around just made it even less comfortable. It was best to simply sit still, with even pressure on her thighs, which also meant even pressure on her anus. By so doing, she was able to keep at least a modicum of attention to the actual meeting. There was a reason for her to be there, beyond having this Man shove stuff in her, so she took notes, despite the distraction.

REPOST- NEW POST Office Politics/Blackmail –Learning, Pt.6 – Chapter 16

Chap.15 – [](

NOTE: this is NEW & NOT A RE-POST —-YAY!!!!!!

Sherry finished getting ready. Per His instructions, she dressed in the outfit he chose, but added a nice blazer to it, as the cream blouse was sleeveless. Sorting thru the panties, she chose the one with polka dots on it, as it was different. ‘See you today, I hope.’ She said to herself, as she rolled her eyes. ‘He’ll see me for sure, and these will bring a smile, I’m sure.’ She finished getting ready, feeling secure on knowing that she was pleasing this man.

As Sherry got into the office and to work, she kept rolling ‘round in her head the events of the last few days. A man almost old enough to be her dad was actually *teaching* her things about *HER* own body. She felt pretty secure in what she was doing…and the simple fact was, she was getting addicted to the whole *way* Jono went about doing what he was, well, doing. She was totally caught up in her thoughts when Val at the front desk called her to let her know a courier had something for her.

REPOST- Office Politics/Blackmail –Learning, Pt.5 – Chapter 15

Chap.14 – [](

NOTE: this is a re-post as I was having some issues with my account!

Jono told himself, ‘You are nothing if not a horny “sum-bitch’ he thought. His hips were already wanting to pump fast. Also, as Sherry awoke, it was apparent she had no issue with it, taking his entire cock dry. Jono wanted her fully awake, so he gave her ass a ‘slap!’ and Sherry jumped, but she simply continued to push back in to him. Of course, in short order, she was feeling quite wet, and Jono’s cock was surrounded by the wet, warm, wonderful silky-sensation that was Sherry’s cunt. Grabbing her hips, Jono began to push away.

Sherry was still pushing back in to him when the slap came. She was no fan of being struck, but being struck and waking with a cock in her made it seem a whole lot better, preferred, in fact. “good-m-morning, S-Sir…” she got out, smiling.

REPOST – Office Politics/Blackmail –Learning, Pt.4 – Chapter 14

NOTE: this is a re-post as I was having some issues with my account!

**Chap. 13 -** [](

Jono stood over her for a few more moment, then handed Sherry her panties and said “Put those on, little one.” Seeing her confusion, Jono told her “You have gotten this dick twice today, you are not here to be spoiled, you are here to be trained.” He stood back and let her get dressed. Standing her up, Jono told her “I know, you are disappointed. But remember, you are here to please *me*.” With that remark, Jono gave her ass a slap. Although Jono could have easily pounded her again, he needed to keep the end goal in mind.

Sherry was *pissed*. She was genuinely horny, she *wanted* this man, and was not used to being turned down, so this was hurtful to her pride…. And it showed.

“look woman, I do not want you getting spoiled. It is good to see that you want this, but I am not being mean.” Jono told her

“Then what ARE you doing?” Sherry blurted out in anger.

REPOST – Office Politics/Blackmail –Learning, Pt.3 – Chapter 13

NOTE: this is a re-post as I was having some issues with my account!

**Chap.12 -** [](

When Sherry came out, having removed her makeup and had her hair back, she was initially shy. She was not used to anyone seeing her like this. Although she had won local beauty contests back in the day, the sun had already marked her face just a bit, even in her 20’s. So she walked out and looked away a bit, more than enough to catch Jono’s attention.

“Woman,” Jono said in a friendly tone & a smile, “Come here.” And pointed in front of his feet. “You are to always stop here. When called” Jono told her. Seeing her nod, Jono touched her under her chin, and lifting it said simply “let’s see…” Looking her face over Jono said ”Nothing to be embarrassed about here. You are to me every bit as pretty without..” Seeing her smile, Jono said “I mean that, you know.”

Sherry had never been reassured like this. In fact that asshole Ron had actually teased her about it, which did her confidence no favors. But *this* man seemed to be genuinely *enjoying* her as he taught her…and fucked her. That was something she was not used to. She shouldn’t be enjoying this, but she found herself oddly wanting more.