NEW POST Office Politics/Blackmail – Chapter 32

Chap.31- [](

Jono selected for his girl a nice dress she had brought over, it was white with a small floral pattern on it, with some simple spaghetti straps going from above the bust to over the shoulder. Slightly too daring for the office without a shirt of the like, it was fine for a Saturday. Jono had NO taste in accessories (he was after all, a Man), but she had something for that too. Jono checked himself in the mirror. The first tinges of gray in the hair and goatee made his girl look like his daughter, but he didn’t care.

As they walked to the car, she opened the door for Him. Jono smiled, and she even insisted on buckling Him in, which he appeared to like. She looked at the towel he was carrying, but Jono just shook his head, so she didn’t worry about it, she would know when time to. Sunroof back and sunglasses on, they started went for a drive, and she noticed the gate guard, amongst other men, giving her & her Man looks, and she liked it.

“Sir, I need to know,” Sherry asked Him, “Do I now call you Master?”

NEW POST Office Politics/Blackmail – Chapter 31

Chap.30 – [](

The next day found Jono and his property out and driving. Jono had gotten out his mid-90’s Acura NSX, a hard to find car. The garage & detailers had done a good job getting it road-ready, and the custom royal blue metallic paint was looking good again. He had not had another passenger in it since his widowed wife, and he was sure his property understood the importance of being in it. “Little one,” he said, as they rode, “we are going to have to return the company car, but I am curious, did you like the SUV as opposed to your little sedan that broke down?

“Now that I have driven the SUV, I think I like it better, I must admit.” She responded. Sherry was enjoying being out with her Man. It was a manual shift, so she held His hand as he held the shift knob. The car got a lot of looks, and she liked that too. her car was really old, and she didn’t relish going back to it. Looking at Him out of the corner of her eye, she smiled wryly & asked, “Do you Sir, think I could perhaps borrow *your* truck?”

NEW POST Office Politics/Blackmail – Chapter 30

Chap.29 – [](

Jono could see that she was enjoying it…perhaps a bit too much, he again needed to slow her. Slowing all to a stop, he stepped in and hugged her as before, kissing her ear and the back and nape of her neck. She was being reduced to mere putty, and it was all at **his** hand. Jono continued to kiss her, around on her back, working down her spine.

Stopping at her lower back, Jono had her step back just a bit. Attaching her ankle cuffs to a straight bar held her feel at shoulder width, and the bar in turn to a pair of eyes at the bottom of the door frame. Jono then loosened the bit holding her arms down a bit, giving her some slack, all the time covering Sherry with little kisses as he worked.

Taking Sherry he held her close as he had each time before, and he let her feel him next to her. Wrapping his left arm around Sherry at her hips, his right arm center of her back, Jono whispered, “Lean forward baby…yes girl, that’s it.” And he again reached for the paddle

NEW POST Office Politics/Blackmail – Chapter 29

Chap.28 – [](

When she returned, she was in the little black Chemise. It had sexy little criss-crossing straps at the top, and it stopped just over Sherry’s incredible ass.

Sherry was full of anticipation as she came back wearing the sexy lingerie. She liked that He had her meditate, and then felt how wonderful it was to have Him hold her, and match breathing. It was so wonderful, because she craved the familiar.

“First things first,” Jono told her, holding up the gag. Again, Sherry lay over her Man and allowed herself to be fully open to Him, enjoying as his fingers probed her holes. She even tried to be open to Him rubbing her butt hole, but she most especially enjoyed Him playing with her nipples. Soon, she had that panting going, wondering what was next.

Jono enjoyed playing with what was His. Her nipples were always so pert and perky, her body AND mind so willing. The business report over, Jono stood her up, not removing the gag. He then walked her to the main bed, and pointed to the drawer, watching as she got out the cuffs and began donning them. Stepping behind her, he tugged the cuffs and whispered in her ear, “is my property ready?” and she nodded. “Good…” Jono replied, and fitted her with a blindfold.

NEW POST Office Politics/Blackmail – Chapter 28

Chap.27 – [](

Jono went to the elevator, and used it to go to his floor, the top. He also held it for a full minute, as he talked on the phone to the Site. That would buy his property much needed time. He reached his office and left the door open, and settled in, eating a snack, he sent her a text. “You are to stay at your place next two nights, but you will follow the usual procedure.” She responded, then got another, “I will have you for Friday and Saturday.”

Sherry smiled, and tucked her chin. The next two days would be tough, but the weekend? That was great! Besides, there was something that they needed to discuss then, anyway.

For the next two days, Jono mostly bothered himself with the Site. The time apart gave him time to think about where to go next in his property’s training. Also, to recall the fucking, of which they had done much. Far more, in fact, than he was used to. He was actually starting to think that at this rate, his dick mike start to grow callouses. But, he had to admit, just as he had started something within her, there was something going within him too. In his widowed wife, Jono had been lucky to have had what he thought to be the love of his life, and was at peace with never having that level of commitment again, but This was something special, and part of him knew it, yst still, he decided to ignore it. For now.

NEW POST Office Politics/Blackmail – Chapter 27

Chap.26 – [](

Reaching the 3rd floor landing, Jono stepped to the door, and peeked thru the small window. What he was doing was crazy and reckless, not like him at all, but he was loving it. Place appeared pretty empty. Quietly opening the door, he stepped in, and looked at his watch, never really noting the time, it was more for any possible security cams. No one around. Jono strode confidently thru the floor. Stopping at the closet door, he took a quick last look, then stepped thru. As the door closed behind him, he flipped the lock.

Sherry waited for Him. She had taken a Fresh linen and folded it multiple times, then set in on the floor, where she knelt. Already, she was wet, especially after this morning, and thinking about it all morning, she wanted again just to be used. As she heard the door opening, fully trusting her Man, she was kneeling, & held the panties up for Him to see.

Jono smiled. Closing the door and flipping the lock, in a low voice he said “That’s my girl, now stand, and lift that dress.” As Sherry did that, Jono used the back of his pointing & middle fingers to brush her pubes. Looking up, he said “Now we have to remain quiet, and time is not on our side….”

NEW POST Office Politics/Blackmail – Chapter 26

Chap.25 – [](

After his shower, Jono went to the guest bath, where he found her working diligently to get ready. “Little one, let’s talk, but continue to get ready” He said

“Ok Sir,” Sherry replied, glad that he was paying attention to her. “What would my Man like to discuss with me?”

Jon smiled. Despite her getting ready, he had to cup her ass a second and say “Well I really like how you just phrased that. We’ll let you refer to me that way as ‘Sir” and gave her a smile in the mirror, then he continued.

“Little one, at work I am bringing thru some VIP’s. I need you ready for them, I want to make sure you make a good impression.” Seeing her look at him, Jono added, “As I said I would. I told you I would be taking you with me. I am making sure you get proper credit, too.” He watched for a moment, as she applied a bit of makeup. She never used much.

NEW POST Office Politics/Blackmail – Chapter 25

Chap.24- [](

After a time of recovery, Sherry appreciated that her Man had his property shower with him, showing her how he preferred his shower. She enjoyed soaping and swabbing him, and the way He in turn took time with her. Had they both the energy…..but no, that was not this nite, and eventually, after stripping the bed to the now-rubber mattress cover and replacing it with fresh linens, & setting His alarm, she found herself cuddling up to her Man, all was right in her world. Sherry had dreams. Mostly of pushing back, telling an unseen force no, and resisting…but resisting what, exactly? She was not sure, but each time she woke, it was good to be in His arms, and soon she again drifted off.

Jono had enjoyed how well she took orders, and it was nice to have someone to shower with. Although he would have been mentally up to the task, his poor dick was beginning to be a bit sore itself, so he simply enjoyed being pampered. As they slept, he felt her wake several times, and was sure he knew the cause but that would keep at this moment. Jono instructed her to set that alarm a half-hour earlier. Although she must have expected the obvious, he had something else planned.

NEW POST Office Politics/Blackmail – Chapter 24

**Cha.23 –** [](

Jono was feeling quite good about himself. He had this gorgeous woman’s body doing things even she didn’t know it would do. Watching her being sexually tortured like that really upped his sexual ego…and he liked it, perhaps he had a bit of addiction of his own. Jono was nothing if not in control, a fact he really liked, but he had to admit his dick was getting darned sore. Sherry lay there, totally spent, so she made no effort to move as Jono removed her cuffs. But if she thought she was done, she had another thought coming.

Jono slowly yet firmly rolled Sherry on to her stomach, and by now, she understood. Jono slid her a pillow to roll partly on to, then he straddled the leg nearest him. He had only to touch Sherry’s knee of her ‘free’ leg for her to lift into a 90 degree bend, thus opening her pussy.

NEW POST Office Politics/Blackmail – Chapter 23

Chap.22 – [](

“OK Little one…you make me happy with this.” Jono said. The way his dick started poking her thigh, despite just having had sex, confirmed it. “So we will start, & are going to go over some basic procedural items that you will follow,” Jono told her. “They may seem odd, but this will aid you in keeping yourself grounded, mentally. First is one you have been doing, referring to me as Sir. You will do that here always” Leading her to the den area, Jono showed her to a small closet. Opening it, he said “Now Little One, each time you come here, you will first walk to this closet” Jono opened the door, on which there was a small erasable whiteboard. On the board was written ‘pink PJ shorts’ “I will have written on here what you are to wear for me. You are to change into this, then, you will also get this large pillow.” He said, and, pointing to it, let Sherry pick it up. “you are to place the pillow beside the couch. This is the only place you are allowed to sit, until I get home.”