The Arrangement/Chapter 23…I’M BAAAAACK!!!!

(Hey all! I have been away a few weeks – so sorry! But I am back now and adding tot eh story, hope y’all like this! To those not familiar, you can click the links below to get previous chapters, or in the search bar above, simply input “The Arrangment” and they will pop up…all 22 of them!)

Chap. 22 – [](

Dave was impressed with himself in that he was willing for another go, but really, getting to fuck someone like this did not happen to most guys his age, so he knew to make the most of it. Their time together had started oddly, but he was really enjoying where it was going, and was now thinking about pushing some of her limits. He enjoyed His woman pushing him down like this and throwing a leg over, but he had other ideas. As he accepted her kiss, he moved her ‘straddling’ knee so that His woman was again on top, but now he used that momentum to grab and roll her that now he was on top.

The Arrangement, Chapter 22

Chap. 21 – [](

Dave lay back, and continued to roll his hips with Marlene’s movements, and concentrated on enjoying the sensation of being inside this beautiful woman, rather than what he was doing, lest he cum too soon. Marlene was on top, riding him. Her smile of lust and passion, along with her hair hanging down, as she stared down at him with piercing eyes, was a mental picture he would never forget. She was leaning forward, her hands on Dave’s shoulders, rolling her hips forward and bouncing on him, *hard*. Marlene had no intention of taking it easy, and Dave was loving it. As she would roll forward and down, inserting his dick inside her, Dave would squeeze her breasts, one in each hand, and as she pulled her hips up for another round, Dave would release the squeeze, but ‘pinch’ his pointing and index fingers, kneading her nipples that were in between them. With each down stroke of her hips, Dave would push his upward, increasing the sensation of being deep inside his woman.. They were both groaning mutually, creating, along with the slick wet sliding sounds of their sex, a beautiful song of their own, very personal in it’s making, exclusively for their enjoyment.

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The Arrangement/Chapter 21

(hey y’all! Be aware that I may not be able to publish every day for a while. Work is picking up, slowing my progress, and I am thinking quality is better that quantity!)

Chap 20 – [](

At the meet site, Dave stood outside the Audi and watched as Marlene got Cody out of the baby-daddies’ car. That guy stared daggers into Dave. He was driving a beat up old Toyota, and that made Dave, in the Audi A4 look that much better. Seating him in the car, Marlene gave Dave’s cheek a small kiss, then got in. Dave said “Hey buddy, you good back there?” Cody answered shyly “Yes…sir. I like the TV screen in this. Sunroof too.” Dave replied “want it open?” he saw the look and so he hit the button, and as they began the return drive, Cody was in back, smiling. After a few minutes, he said “Hey mister Dave…are you mom’s BF?” Dave grinned and looked over at Marlene, who was conveniently wearing mirrored sunglasses. She looked damn sexy in them, but they didn’t hide her smile well at all.

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The Arrangement/Chapter 20

(wow, 20 chapters! I had not intended it to go ¼ this long, but as long as y’all like it…why not?)

After they had caught her breath, Dave got up, and pulled his woman out of bed. “Come on, sweet baby…” he cooed very softly. Guiding her to the bath, he was disappointed that this hotel had only a tub, and not a particularly big one at that. Making the best of it, Dave started the water and, checking the temp, guided his woman in. “Let’s wash my girl..” he whispered. All the way, he had had ‘prompted’ her with little nudges, squeezes, and the odd kiss, and now that Marlene was in, Dave took the body wash brought with them, and began to scrub down what was His. “My baby is tired, let Daddy take care of his girl.” He told her, and began to lather and scrub her back, reaching around a bit to play with Marlene’s breasts/nipples, then to her stomach. He knew how lucky he was, the luckiest guy in the world, and he enjoyed that he wanted to make this girl, HIS girl, feel special. There was a very special intimacy there…and Dave decided THAT was what he treasured most about this.

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The Arrangement/Chapter 19

The Arrangement/Chapter 19

Chap18- [](

Marlene and Dave dug into the booze stock in their room’s ‘fridge, and that + the sushi made for a fine meal. This room had a ‘breakfast in bed’ type tray, so they put it to work. Dave on one side in just his boxer briefs, and because Marlene knew her Man liked her body, she only had on the g-string panties.

Dave was looking at her with a goofy smile and finally spoke up. “Mar,” he said, “I have to confess something.”

Marlene could not read Dave’s face this time, and that was unusual, so she replied “What? That my breasts are incredible and you want me like this more often?”

“Well, you are right about a lot of that, yes” Dave laughed, “I have to confess, Mar, you are the most sexually open woman I think I have ever met. I am really enjoying this Mar, I…I…”

Marlene nodded and spoke, “Dave, I have to say that I would never expect even half this drive from a man in his 30’s, much less 50’s.” Marlene looked away a second, then back at Dave, “did you know my ex physically abused me? he forced himself on me too. I told myself I’d NEVER go thru that again, I’d NEVER trust any man…yet…here we are.”

The Arrangement, Part 18

Part 17- [](

Marlene woke up, and looked around. She realized she’d only been out maybe 2 hours at most. She felt her Man spooned around her, One arm under her, her back against his chest, and it felt good, like it was where she was *supposed* to be, rest of the world be damned. She could also feel, right at her thigh gap, Dave’s dick, and pondered ‘does that thing always sit at half-cock when it’s against me?’ she asked herself, ‘or is it just me?’ She smiled, deciding it was the latter, and just enjoyed feeling her Man’s deep breathing. Marlene had just again pushed from her head thoughts of where this was going, when she felt Dave waking. As he did so, she felt him push just a bit forward, his cock rubbing her *just* where she liked it.

Dave came to, enjoying the feel and smell of her hair. His was not at all surprised that his dick was ready to roll, no need for a blue pill. A glance at the clock showed they needed to get dinner, though. Dave gave the back of Marlene’s head a kiss, noting she was already awake. “Mmm, precious baby…” he whispered. “is this precious girl hungry?” Seeing her nod, he nudged her his phone. “Some options up on Door Dash. Go thru and pick something, to deliver.”

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The Arrangement, Part 16

AAAAAHHHH! I had a monday and there are now TWO of these marked part 16, and the edit system won’t let me fix! Sorry, hopefully I can get a mod to do it…sorry!

Part 15-[](

Dave enjoyed walking behind Marlene as she shimmied in front of him. When they entered the room, door closed, Dave told her, “OK Mar, I want you to show me all of what I got a glimpse of in the car.” And crossed his arms

Marlene, understood at this point the game he was playing, so she grinned and gave him a push, letting his ‘land/sit’ in a chair. Smiling, Marlene ‘kicks’ Dave’s feet apart, a steps in close, slowly raising her shirt. Over her head it goes, and she drops it on the floor. Marlene is wearing a black satin-lace bra that has straps above and below the breast line. Leaning in, she kisses Dave as he gives her breasts a squeeze. In return, she rubbed her Man’s crotch, loving that his total attention is directed to her. Standing back up, she steps close and lets Dave undo her pants button and zipper, then turns & s-l-o-w-l-y steps out of them, showing matching panties. Marlene even gave them a tug, digging them into her booty crack, and leans forward, hands on knees, giving Dave a wonderful view not only of her sexy ass, but the ‘gap’ and her panties.

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The Arrangement, Part 16

Part 15- [](

Marlene was waiting at her place when Dave pulled up. No sportscar this time, Dave now had his Audi A6 Wagon. He normally did not drive it too much. A great car in it’s own right, it’s back exterior with tint and tan leather interior he found a bit pretentious, but his widowed wife had liked it. As Marlene was getting the kid-seat in, Marlene’s mom made sure to walk out. “Hello, Miss Alvarez,” Dave said. Her mom stood there, hands on her hips and just said “Hmpf..” Marlene turned & said, “Ma! We’re just friends! This is the man that we rent from, show some manners!” Dave waved it off and said, “It’s OK, I get it. Miss Alvarez, we are just friends. Marlene, ready to go?” As they pulled out of the drive Ms. Alvarez walked back in, mumbling, “I had a friend like that once…”

As they rolled down the road, Dave said, “hey, umm, Cody, right?” he was right behind Dave, so when he didn’t hear anything he said “hey big-man, see the remote beside you? Check it out, you mom has got one fo your movies loaded. Just plug in those…” Marlene touched Dave’s leg and said “he’s got it.” At a stop light, Dave looked back, and Cody looked up. He didn’t say a word, but offered a thumbs up. Not a bad sign.

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The Arrangement, Part 15

Part 14- [](

Dave really enjoyed the show. He also took time to lightly run his fingers up Marlene’s thighs, around her ass, then along the panties, complimenting Marlene on her choice. Dave’s went very hard at seeing her pussy ‘print’ thru the fabric, even showing a bit of a wet spot. He would normally have her shower, because he really did want to taste her, but they did not have the time. “My girl needs to turn around and help me out of these shorts.” He said, and enjoyed that she obeyed his directive quickly, and willingly, as though it was a command.

As Marlene helped tug down Dave’s shorts, the sight of his cock ‘popping’ out of his shorts made her mouth water. She had thought of it more than a few times over the last week plus, so seeing it pop right out to ‘greet’ her made her smile. “I know our time is short,” Marlene told Dave, “And I really want to you, — ”

Dave interrupted in an anxious voice, “Mar, I have been thinking about being inside you for two fucking weeks!” Dave calmed down, gaining a tiny bit of composure he added, “But first –– “

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The Arrangement, part 14

Part 13- [](

Dave was by now sitting in his ‘usual’ booth. When he saw Marlene come in, apron on, working the tables, he just held the menu, and enjoyed the view on the water. Out of the corner of his eye though, he enjoyed the view of Marlene. It had been a few weeks, and Dave had long realized what he had missed. But, he knew he needed to play things cool, so it was not surprise when another server, Susan or something, actually served him. Susan was cute and quite nice, asking about where he had been and the like, but Dave was convinced it was just for the tips. Good thing about people like Susan though, they were good for information. “yeah, had to go see some fam outta state,” Dave replied. “So what’s been happening here? And don’t say nothing, I’m not into buying that.”

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