The Fighter: Part Six [Brother; Sister; Forbidden Romance]

“This isn’t like you, Brandon.” Ashley says as she gently presses the cold-compression bag across his swollen knuckles. “That guy from your work even called, asking if you plan on coming back any time soon.”

The last thing Brandon wanted was to face Ashley tonight. He was actually hoping she would be out partying and doing her thing.

“I’m not going back.”

“Okay, so, did you beat those guys into another job?” His sister playfully asks while switching focus to his slightly cut cheek.

He didn’t leave the fight unscathed. But the damage isn’t nearly enough to keep him from beating McKenna.

“Where’s Danny?” He asks the one question he promised he wouldn’t.

“It’s Robert, by the way. And I wouldn’t know. I’m not his babysitter.”

The moment gets a little more awkward than it already is.

Jealousy hangs in the air, but neither of them want to admit or acknowledge it.

“I’m just asking.” Brandon tries to play it cool.

Unfortunately, he’s terrible at holding back when something is bothering him.

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The Fighter: Part Five [Brother; Sister; Forbidden Romance]

“Serves me right for scheduling the fight early. Are you dating again?” Joe doesn’t look at Brandon while finishing the last bit of his singular beer.

“No.” Brandon is cleaning his fourth glass already.

The bar is pretty quiet this time of the week, except for a few loud people at the pool table. And the old man was hoping a cold one could help to get Brandon’s head straight. But so far, the young boxer only seems to get more depressed.

Personally, Joe hates mixed up emotions and complications. He also doesn’t tolerate his fighters getting their panties in a bunch.

But Brandon is like the family he never had. There is just something comfortable about their relationship. Maybe it’s because they tend to understand each other as much as they bicker. The bottom line is that Joe actually cares. Even if he doesn’t know how to help.

“You’re distracted.”

“It’s my first big fight, Joe. Can you blame me for being nervous?” Brandon covers up the real truth with a false one.

The Fighter: Part Four [Brother; Sister; Forbidden Romance]

“I don’t know what you’ve been eating, kid. But I’m impressed. If you keep moving like that, McKenna is going down.”

Ashley was spot-on about the dancing. And even though every lesson with her turns into a heated interaction he can’t stop jerking off to afterward, it has improved his movement in the ring.

“Are you saying what I think you’re saying?” He asks Joe with more motivation than ever.

“Keep this up for a few more weeks, and I’m making a few calls.” Joe’s expression is enough to plant more confidence in the young boxer.

And with the hope of potential greatness hanging in the air, Brandon goes home early to share the good news with Ashley. There’s something about their relationship that makes him want to tell her everything these days.

She’s become somewhat of a soul-mate, and he’s unable to figure out where to draw the line. All he knows is that she lit a fire inside him. And the fire is quickly transforming into a chaotic blaze.

As he steps into the living room, he finds Ashley, stretching in her underwear with her back turned. And her blaring headphones prevent her from noticing him closing the door.

The Fighter: Part Three [Brother; Sister; Forbidden Romance]

*A few days later…*

“There’s nothing.” Ashley hopelessly falls onto the couch after another fruitless day. “Not a single fucking job and my classes start in two weeks. Then I’ll have even less time.”

“Don’t be too hard on yourself.”

Brandon has quickly warmed up to his sister being around. And she was serious about developing a more responsible side. Sure, she still leaves her clothes all over the place, but it’s a small price to pay for the energy she always seems to radiate.

“But if I start working, you’ll have more time to train.”

“You want to start supporting me now?”

“It’s the least I can do.” Ashley’s eyes light up as she finishes the sentence. “Or, maybe…”

“Hold on. It’s never a good sign when you theorize, because it usually makes me the rat in your experiment.”

Brandon knows that look too well.

It’s the look of determination.

“I can’t believe I haven’t thought about it before.”


“I’ll teach you how to dance.” She suggests like it’s the best thing since sliced bread.

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The Fighter: Part Two [Brother; Sister; Forbidden Romance]

Why Brandon placed a time-limit on how long his sister could stay didn’t even make sense to him. But he needed to feel in control when he gave it away. And her presence, within the first five minutes, has livened up one of the most depressing place he knows – his apartment.

“You’re off already? I just got here.” Ashley says while getting used to her new home. And she does so by inspecting every drawer and cupboard she can find.

“Welcome to reality, where you never seem to stop working.”

“You really work two jobs?” She asks like she can’t believe it. From her neck of the woods, people spend more time going on vacation than at the office.

“How much did you happen to ease-drop on back there?”

“Enough to help me remember you always were a bad dancer. Feet as dumb as bricks, was it? I still don’t know how you got all the girls to like you after strutting your stuff on the dance floor.”

“Very funny. I work security at night and tutor during the day. So, yeah, I guess it qualifies as two jobs.”

The Fighter: Part One [Brother; Sister; Forbidden Romance]

*This story is one of my “romantic” pieces. While the details are still very graphic, the build-up is different compared to my other stories. Dare I say the ladies might like this one more than the guys? :)*


“I’m not fighting McKenna?” Brandon deliberately gives the bag a final power punch to end another intense session.

“No.” Joe replies rather indifferently.

There is not even a hint of hope in the voice of the old-school trainer.

“But, Joe, this is the shot we’ve been working for.”

Brandon is beyond desperate to take the next step in his career, and the big leagues called with a big offer. It’s the reason he pretty much lost everything. Well, if “everything” is based on a world of shallow luxury.

He might be a boxer, but he’s still able to debate with the best of them. Whether it’s about the under-belly of politics, or the distorted expectations of a materialistic society, his interests do not end with throwing strategic punches.

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My Punishment from Daddy for Teaching My Brother [siblings; daddy; daughter; anal]

Part One

Daddy had already left my room, but his sperm was still dripping from my pussy. I scraped a little bit of the white liquid onto my finger and smeared it on my tongue. It was still warm. I loved the taste of daddy’s cum. My heart was racing from the orgasm I had, but it was a close-call as well, because mom decided she wanted a late night snack. Just after Daddy had unloaded inside me we heard her footsteps in the hall. I hated rushing, but the sneaking around was a lot of fun.

I pulled the covers over my naked body and just laid there for a while. The last thing I wanted was to run into mom on my way to the bathroom, so I just played with the sticky cum against my pussy lips, enjoying the moment. The thought of drifting off to sleep came to mind, but my bedroom door creaked open again. This time it was my brother, Matthew.

“Kimmy, are you still awake?”

“Jesus, Matt, don’t you know what time it is? What do you want?”

Mom’s Taboo Piano Lesson: Part Two [mom; son; sexual exploration]

I couldn’t stand the thought of my mother blaming herself, regardless of the circumstances, which is why I didn’t waste time consoling her.

After searching the mansion, I eventually found her strolling through the north gardens. It’s something she always used to do when life got too much, because she said it helped to clear her mind.

“I know why you’re here, Ben.” She said as I caught up to her.

“You do?” I ask somewhat surprised.

Honestly, I didn’t have a clue about what to say once I reached her.

“You came to tell me you don’t want lessons anymore. And that you probably hate me right now, which I totally understand.”

“Mom, that’s not it. That’s not it at all.”

A shimmer of light sparked in her eyes again when I gave her hope for retribution.

“Honey, do you realize what I did to you in there? Do you even know what actually happened?”

“Not really, but it doesn’t make me hate you. I’m sure about that.”

“Well, it should. Because I don’t know what came over me.” She insisted I hold her responsible.

Mom’s Taboo Piano Lesson [incest/mother/son]

It only made sense for my mother to give me piano lessons when the bug finally bit me. According to my dad, she was a young housewife who simply didn’t have enough responsibilities. He also thought she had too much time on her hands to spend all his money.

She definitely had something unique that would make any guy open his wallet, just because she blinked his way.

But that wasn’t the real reason I asked her for lessons. Fuck knows I could’ve used anyone I wanted, but I didn’t.

The fact is my mother was a brilliant pianist. Although, her career never saw the light of day, thanks to my father. As a very conventional and religious man, he made her give up her passions to take care of me. In return, he could do whatever he pleased as long as he kept the money rolling in.

If you ask my opinion, as I reflect on this particular time of my life, I think he wanted to cage her in.

As a very attractive woman much younger than him, he was constantly paranoid about their relationship. Yet, not even the biggest collection of gold bars and silver dollars could make him feel secure about my mother’s love.

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My Loving Older Sister [incest ;siblings; virgin]

“You’ve never seen one, have you?” My sister says with her pussy clearly visible underneath her short white summer dress.

“Of course I have.”

“Up close?”

Instead of answering, I get annoyed.

“Why are you even showing me your…your private parts?”

“Because I’m a good big sister. And when I heard that skank Stacy broke your heart, I thought you could use some cheering up.”

“Where did you hear that?”

“Someone at school told me. But does it even matter?”

“I guess not.”

“Plus, I know how much you liked her, even if she didn’t put out.”

“I don’t need cheering up, and I don’t want to talk about Stacy.” I make it very clear. Although, it’s hard to stop looking at Amy’s smoothly waxed slit while trying to sound serious. Her tight pink lips are so fucking alluring I’m actually fighting off a boner where I lie on my bed.

“Oh really? Because mom actually asked me to keep an eye on you while they’re out. You’ve got her all worked up and paranoid that you’ll kill yourself or something.”