That Night With my BFFs Brother… P1 (slow burner) (feedback welcome)

“Ash, you need to learn to take your own advice.” Liv wriggled her eyebrows at me as she changed the channel on the TV. Her brown doe-like eyes gazed at me with a challenge and I stifled a groan. I knew that look well. As well I should, as I was the one who had taught it to her.

“What advice is that?” I said as I casually picked up the bowl of popcorn from the coffee table and sat back. I took a couple of kernels and popped them into my mouth, enjoying the buttery sweetness as I waited for her to say the words I was dreading to hear.
“You need to have a one-night stand with Ryan.” She grinned at me and I groaned. “Don’t groan at me, Ash.” She grabbed some popcorn and sat back on the new leather couch we’d recently bought.

Categorized as Erotica