As she lowered her pussy onto my mouth I could smell the musky sweet aroma and my arms instinctively reached out to hold her ass. Before I reached it however Janet seized both wrists and pinned them to the wall behind me. With no further hesitation I inserted my eager tongue deep inside her, enclosed my mouth around her vagina. Sucking in I dragged my flattened tongue back out, stiffened the tip and twirled it around her clit. She let out a raspy gasp. Using a flipping motion I toyed with her button. She started slightly rocking until I ran my tongue back in hard and fast then began licking the roof of her pussy. After that she stopped rocking and pressed her flesh harder onto my face. Her breathing was getting shallower and her juices began to fill my mouth causing me to swallow. I narrowed the opening of my mouth, sucked in hard and concentrated nibbling and tonguing her clit. She lost control dropping her grip on my hands, she grabbed my head and started humping my face. Immediately I reached around her grasping her cheeks firmly. Spreading the cheeks I used my middle finger and launched an assault on rose bud opening. Moaning loudly she was now fucking my face and finger with a feril hunger I hadn’t seen in years. At this point I was doing what I could while desperately hanging on for dear life. Suddenly the humping stopped as her entire body went rigid but for the tremors rampaging what was left of her sanity. She had my head in a death grip and I felt her legs begin to tighten and squeeze. If not for the cushion of my pillow I’m certain she may have crushed my skull. For the first time in a while my cock was back at full song and then some reaching out to trying to get to her ass on its own. Relaxing finally she leaned back with her hand landing on my stiffened manhood. In a voice that seemed to be struggling for air she looked down at me and asked, “Well what do we have here?” The grin spreading widely across her plushed face.
Author: applejack1967
Wake up sex
After having been married for going on 30 yrs our sex life had become routine as hell. A little bit of kissing, a minute or two of touching then missionary position. It still felt good, but let’s be honest here yawwnn. Getting worked up enough to perform was sometimes a challenge. I’d even tried supplements. Then one night as I was heading to bed, needing to get up early, I’d asked her to wake me up at midnight. She made some negative remark referring to sex, so I made it clear that even though I’d welcome the chance, I was certainly not asking. Just don’t let me over sleep.