What You Can’t Have. [Anal], [mf], [mmf], [oral], [very light BDSM], [cheating]

The night was going well so far. She had first seen him mincing about on the dance floor in the club. Something about him really caught her attention, and it wasn't his fucked up dance moves. In order to get a closer look at him she dragged some of her friends onto the dance floor near him. At this distance she liked what she saw even more: late twenties, well over six feet, lean and athletic, with long curly hair past his shoulders. The wedding ring he wore was an enticement more than a put off.

Rachael was five ten, slim but well rounded with big firm tits and full round arse. Her long black hair, green eyes and pale complexion giving her a certain unusual attraction. Yes, she looked good, and she knew it. However, he didn't seem interested in the girls around him, and just concentrated on dancing, smiling at his own piss taking. Rachael quickly decided that a few meaningful glances would be a waste of time and that a more direct action was needed.

Handing her drink to her friend she backed towards him until her firm arse rubbed against his hip. That got his attention all right as, without a word, he slipped his muscular arms around her thin waist from behind.