The girl next door liked to sunbathe nude

So the events I’d like to recount are fairly recent and hopefully you’ll enjoy them as much as I had. First I should clarify that this story isn’t technically about my neighbor. The girl in question doesn’t actually live next door but she has been coming by every day while my actual neighbors are out of town. She’s pretty cute; fairly average physique with blonde hair cut short(almost a pixie cut) and really nice long legs. She’s probably a friend of the family and usually just stops by to take care of their dogs and water the plants on the back deck. But I wouldn’t be recounting this story if that’s all she did.

As you can guess from the title my neighbors have a pool. It’s actually a pretty nice setup and they even have a hot tub built into their deck. I know this because even though they’ve got a massive amount of foliage surrounding their property to act like a six-foot-high fence, I can still get a clear view of their yard from my bedroom window. It’s not the best view, but I can see most of their yard given the angle. And let me tell you, this girl certainly got up to some naughty shenanigans.

Exposing [M]y [F]riend [exh]

So I’ve spoken about Nadia previously but for those unfamiliar, she was a classmate from college and while she had the appearance of a traditional Arab girl. She was also a pervert and an exhibitionist. She divulged this secret to me and we came to an arrangement that aloud her to indulge in her kink safely. The following tale occurred during winter break a few weeks after our first “encounter”. Nadia hadn’t really explored her exhibitionist side much; she had attended class without wearing underwear, would occasionally masturbate in front of the fourth floor window of her dorm room, and had posted a few saucy pictures on the internet(probably somewhere on Reddit). But she never actually exposed herself in public.

Naturally, it was the first thing we planned to do. Because of her upbringing Nadia never went out in public unless she was fully covered. Didn’t matter if it was a dress, a blouse and jeans, or form-fitting athletic wear. She wasn’t very comfortable showing off skin, even though she really liked the idea of showing off **a lot** of skin. So step one was adjusting her sensitivities to some “light” exposure. First steps were simply walking around campus, which I know doesn’t sound interesting but we to start somewhere. We met up fairly early in the morning to go on a brisk jog. She was wearing an oversized sweatshirt, and underneath it all a pair of shorts and a sports bra.

An Exhibitionist & A Voyeur [Str8]

Part of me still can’t believe that I found a woman that perverted. I know full well they exist, but it still baffles me that I not only befriended such a woman, but that she asked me to take part in her erotic escapades. It sucks that it couldn’t last but I still have fond memories. Probably shouldn’t share her name so I’ll just call her Nadia. She was a middle eastern woman, around 20 or so, and dressed very conservatively. You sure wouldn’t think she was a degenerate just from looking at her. I know I didn’t when we met, and how I learned is all a bit complicated. It started because of an honest accident.

Incidental Voyeurism

This will likely be a short story, but I feel like reminiscing and thought I’d share my experience. It was a couple years ago when I was still in college, early autumn but unusually warm that day. Because the weather was nice I thought I’d take a walk though the woods near the campus and enjoy the scenery. I kinda wandered about aimlessly for a while before coming across a fairly large creek and followed it up to a lake somewhere in the center of the woods. The area was much more active in the summer, but with school back in session and the weather starting to grow colder the whole place was quiet. That’s when I noticed the two women on the opposite end of the shore coming out of the woods.

I probably wouldn’t have noticed if they weren’t being so loud, not that I’m complaining. They practically ran out from the tree line with towels in hand straight to the sandbank. One girl quickly pealed of her shirt and shorts revealing a flattering red bikini. It fit her well, and she seemed to have a very athletic physique. The second girl was a bit more hesitant, and glanced around before lifting her shirt up and exposing her bare breasts to the sun. It was a very pleasant surprise.