Fun time at the movies! [mfm] [exh] [swing]

New at this. Feedback is appreciated.


Jessica looked up the dimly lit well-trodden flight of stairs. _What the fuck am I getting myself into?_ She had only been dating Jarrod for a few weeks, and he slowly was letting her into the kinks in his world. It mostly involved them having sex in public places. Always hidden out of sight, with a chance of getting caught. So far, it was thrilling!


Something felt different today. They were in a public place. An old beat up Adult movie theatre. Something from the times before there was porn on the internet, DVDs or hell even VHS. It felt, old. _Did men go to these places and jerk off or just fill the spank bank? Is Jarrod going to show me that he’s bisexual today?_ Jessica had so many thoughts running through her mind that she didn’t notice that they had reached the top of the stairs and bumped into Jarrod.


What she was wearing felt right in this place. She wore a white pleated skirt that reached the top of her well-tanned legs and a red short sleeved button down top that showed enough of her cleavage to turn heads on the street.

10 Days, 10 Dates [mf] [Fdom]

Was it wrong to look for another date while she was on a date? Great question. One that will need further contemplation after this klutz figures out how to undo my bra. At the least, he couldn’t see her holding the phone behind the seat back. He contorted her head as he tried to kiss her neck. How could this guy get every single move so wrong? It was starting to get uncomfortable, but a deal was a deal.


What deal was that? Well, dating was going nowhere fast. It felt like more of habit than out of finding Mr. Wonderful. An excellent supplement to her income though since the majority of them paid for dinner. But hell if she didn’t have to pay up too! Makeup, hair, clothes, all that took a chunk out of her limited income. And she had to look her best, no way that she wanted to meet Mr. Wonderful just to have him scooped away from her by another cougar on the prowl.


His hands had never seen hard days work in their life, yet they were mangling her breasts like they were a block of frozen pees.

[MF] Epilogue – Daydreaming – Do you want more?

The door lock clicked behind her as she tossed her keys on the kitchen table of her apartment. Kicking off her heels she grabbed the bottle of wine from the fridge and poured herself a nightcap. The wine still had some flavor left in it, much more flavor than she had experienced with Axel earlier on today.

Not that he was a bad guy, they never take their time to get the job done right. Well good for me. At least not on the first date, well rarely on the first date.

Katie slipped off her clothes and warmed up in the shower. Letting her head and shoulders soften as the hot water flows over the top of them swirling in a puddle in the partially clogged full of hair drain at her feet. The warm pool was the best part, burying her slender toes.

Her robe fell open as she laid backward on her bed, her feet still touching the floor. She sank into its cradling softness and stared up at the ceiling fan spinning above her that sent wisps of cold air over her breasts.