I came home to find!!!

It had been a long and rather tiresome day. Traffic was bad getting home, the only thing that was making it a tad brighter was the thought that my girlfriends best friend was round for dinner that evening.
My girlfriend, Bella, had known Jess for around 5 years. They had struck up a friendship whilst working in accounts for a telecoms company. Bella had left the job but had kept in touch with Jess.
Jess has been in a relationship with a guy for 6 years but they had recently split, from what Bella had told me, it was due to becoming more like friends than being lovers. It was a mutual split but Jess has been a bit upset and had been popping round to ours for dinner a couple of times a month since the split. Tonight was one of those nights. She liked the company as we had always had a good laugh, we would often help her with her Tinder swipes, normally ending up in fits of laughter due to some profile pictures and monosyllabic answers she would get from some guys.
I pulled into the drive and saw Jess’s car parked along the road. I entered the lounge where Bella and Jess were on the sofa. ‘Hi Jack’ exclaimed Jess. ‘Hi darling’ said Bella, pushing a glass of red into my hand and kissing me on the cheek. Jess had obviously been round for a while as they had both nearly devoured the best part of the bottle. Thanks lovely’ I replied. ‘Hiya Jess, how’s you been?’ ‘Great thanks Jack, just been telling Bella about the latest let downs on Tinder’
I’d always thought Jess was attractive, funny, loved to laugh and had a great figure. Her and Bella were always eyed up whenever they were out. A redhead and a blonde on the town, who could blame the guys! I couldn’t understand how she could be single for too long ‘Keep trying, their loss’ I remarked. ‘Girls, excuse me whilst I jump in the shower, been a shocker of a day’. ‘No probs, maybe we will get a Chinese, I’m a bit wobbly to cook’ said Bella as she made a kind of boss eyed grimace at Jess and they both giggled.
I went upstairs, let the shower warm up and stripped off. Wrapping a towel round myself, I left the bathroom and was on the landing. I could hear the girls talking….’but have you never wondered what it would be like?’ ‘Well, yeah, I suppose everybody wonders Jess. I dunno if I’d be much good at it!’ ‘0h come on, it’s just like French kissing but further south’ Jess giggled. ‘Yeah, but how would you start?’ I heard Bella reply. ‘Well, kissing! Isn’t that how everything starts?’ I could hear them both giggling in that kind of tipsy way.
I could feel my cock starting to tingle. Was I actually hearing this???
I listened more intently….‘I’d probably lick your thighs before I even went near your pussy’ Jess giggled. ‘Stop it!’ Bella laughed. ‘You actually have me tingly!!’
Again, I had to pinch myself to see if I was really hearing this. The thought of Jess licking my girlfriends pussy was so ridiculously gorgeous. I decided to take a slow walk down the stairs. I could still hear the girls talking…..’come on Bella, it’s just fun, it’s a tease’
I took a few more steps, crouched and peered through the banister. I could just see through the door to the lounge, Bella was sitting on the sofa, still in her work skirt. Jess was squatting on the floor between Bella’s legs, her hands on her thighs. She had pushed Bella’s skirt up, so her upper thighs were exposed and her panties exposed. I could see Jess’s toned thighs exposed too, her skirt riding up where her legs had spread in the squat, her blonde, shoulder length hair contrasting with her blue blouse. She was slowly rubbing her hands up and down Bella’s thighs. My cock felt electric, I was wet at the tip already. I was frozen, not wanting to let them know I could see but wanting to run my tongue over their thighs.
I slowly took a couple more steps. ‘What will Jack say?’ Bella asked in tone that seemed as it it were daring Jess to lick her. I descended another step and Jess looked directly at me as I got to the bottom of the stairs ‘Jack, what would you say if I told you I’m going to lick Bella’s pussy? If I told you I’m going to French kiss it like a mouth. Kiss it, lick it, taste it.. taste Bella??’
I could tell she wasn’t asking, she was telling me. I looked at Bella. Her hips were squirming in the seat. Her blouse was partially open, showing a hint of that gorgeous cleavage that I had jetted hot cum on so many times. She looked at me, mouth slightly open, the tip of her tongue just running over her top lip.
‘Jack, I want it Jack…..god, I so fucking want it.’