The Ad

The day started just as many others had the buzz of an alarm going off to signal the start of another day.
Kay opens her eyes and see the red lights of her alarm clock showing 5 am she thinks to herself and wonders why she feels so tired this morning. Then suddenly she remembers the events from the night before and jolts of electricity flow throughout her body. Kay picks up her phone and she sees a message from reddit she had stayed up late the night before hopeing for a follow up reply from the ad she had replyed to which simply stated ” Seeking Submissive female in the Kansas city area”
Kay had never done anything like this before prior to discovering reddit she didnt even know what “submissive or BDSM” even ment. As she opened the message she could feel her heartbeat starting to race she had a sense of excitement she had not experienced before. She had been with a number of different men over the years some good others not as much. There had been the kinds that go with the flow others that took control. Somehow she knew this was different. When she opened the message it simply stated. “Can you follow orders exactly as they are given to you” something come over her and when she pressed reply it was almost as if something or someone took over her and all she replyed was “Yes Master.” As she typed the words the pulse throughout her entire body as her finger just on its own moved to the send button she knew somehow this was different and she was in for an experience unlike anything she had experienced before.