How women make men horny

We were in Tuscany and had just played some naughty games and then settled into a sidewalk cafe. You know it: a small town with a church, a piazza and a cafe. My wife wore a short red dress. Once again she had forgotten her panties. We took a seat at a small table and my wife lounged towards the sun. So that her legs get a nice tan, she pulled the hem of her sexy little red dress up a little too far, allowing a handsome Italian to look at her freshly shaved twat, only to cover it chastely the next moment,

The game goes on like this for a while. Legs together, legs apart, cunt visible, cunt covered. Just wonderful how she drove this young man insane. I pretended to be ignorant and bored. Our Latin lover now had a decent hard-on, which he squeezed unobtrusively. A clear signal to my wife to show her cunt again when he took his hand off his cock.

But suddenly he got up and went towards the toilet. After a minute I followed him and heard him jerking off vigorously in the cabin.

Categorized as Erotica Tagged

Young, Dumb but Horny

It was the early seventies. The women all wore skimpy minis and you could often see their panties. My aunt called these somewhat disrespectfully “hairnets.” In the swimming pools, topless was normal. Woman wore “bush” at that time, however. Man rarely met a woman who had a bare pussy.

One day a man about 60 years old approached me at the swimming pool and warned me – he had a somewhat unusual request. He had been watching us for a while (we were making out, as was customary at the time, and grabbing each other’s pants was nothing special) and it would please him if he could watch us “make love” for once. Before I could refuse indignantly, he offered 500 DM. I was a student at the time and this money was a monthly income for me. He gave me his phone number and I promised to call him back.

A Horny Preface to our Website

This site does not pursue any financial interests. It stands out from what feels like 90% of the sites with dressed-up hobby hookers who hope to easily earn money via Onlyfans, Fansly and similar scam sites.

The old vintage pictures and drawings shown are a homage to times gone by. Old treasures are being unearthed that deserve not to fall victim to oblivion.

BUT! There is the subreddit r/unserSexlife, which only shows some of our pictures. The channel is private and we need to allow visitors to use it. If you write to us kindly, you can take a look at our smut! The pictures are private photos from our long erotic life. Due to certain reasons, which are due to Reddit, we have published only a few pictures.

Categorized as Erotica Tagged

How to start a Foursome [FFMM] [Photoshooting] [Wife sharing] [Voyeurism]

(it’s a translation of my German text – hope it’s understandable)

Wife sharing? That sounds easy.  You contact the relevant portals, find the right person(s) and everything goes – wrong.  Blind dates are for Hollywood or swingers clubs, but not for a private thing.  Just happily fucking with strangers is like winning the lottery: very unlikely.  Frustration is programmed.  We recommend the safe way.  Find someone from your circle of friends who is comfortable with you.  If you don’t find anyone there, leave it all.  It is similar to the confidence it takes to trust someone with your house key!  Who gives their house key to someone they don’t know?

I’ll tell you about our experiences.  When I was a student I lived with a fellow student and we had some experiences together that made us good friends.  Shortly before the exam we had married our girlfriends almost at the same time.  We went on a low-budget holiday to Croatia and always bathed naked there.  Visually, we knew the bodies of our women quite well.  They were also very similar.  That means we found each other attractive.  My friend’s wife had bigger tits than mine and a boyish ass.  But at the time we never dreamed of organizing a gangbang together.  That only happened – unplanned – years later.