The end of the night approached as we drove down the snowy roads, illuminated by only the headlights of the car. The day was as it was tiring. But it was finally over.

As we continued down the dark road, I began to remember your promise of what will happen when we got to the cottage we rented. I could feel the throb in my pants begin to build as we got closer to home. I could feel my dick restricted by the tightness of my jeans.

Struggling to stay comfortable and with still my dick continuing to throb, I unzipped my fly, giving me much needed relief as it pushed through the opening in my pants. As the rural roads twisted and turned, I felt your hand placed on my thigh.

Feeling your grip tighten around my thigh, I clenched the steering wheel harder to keep focus on the road. I could feel your fingers struggling to reach inside my fly, no matter how sneaky you thought your were being. The snow continued to be wiped clean from the windshield while your fingers dug ever more into my thigh.


The wind carried through the air like a lone note in a crowded concert hall. The streets were sparse however the shops were filling up as people chose to escape the increasingly chilling autumn weather.

I checked my phone, looking for any excuse to look busy as I waited for your appearance. Scroll. Scroll. Scroll. Ding.
I looked up to see the chiming of a bell as you passed through the door where you stood wearing a modest skirt and a large knitted sweater. The autumn winds swept through the doorway, dancing through your hair. My heart began to echo like a drum in  anticipation.

As you walked, I was fixated on your legs and their rhythm that could be matched by only an angel. As you pulled up a chair towards me,  I felt my chest tighten and my crossed my legs to avoid an increasingly noticeable but still subtle throbbing situation. You sighed as you began to peruse the menu.

“I can’t seem to find anything on the menu that strikes me as appealing right now.”

Your voice was soft as velvet on my ears as I tried my hardest to muster up something intelligent to say.

A Rainy Evening With Someone Special [mf][toys][fiction]

The rain patters against the windshield as wipers brush it aside. It’s been a long day and the weekend finally draws near. As the car tires begin to come to a stop, I turn off the ignition and step inside.

I walk through the door, slightly wet from the rain and begin to take off my coat. It’s late but the living room lights are on. As I start to hang up my jacket, I can hear the faint humm of something electronic. A buzzing sound.

As I finish my routine, the buzzing stops.

“Shit turn off you stupid thing”.

I step into the room and see you underneath the blankets on a chair, draped in only one of my oversized t shirts. Your nipples protruding against the fabric. I glance at the thermostat. 76. How could you possibly be cold?

You look embarrassed as if you were caught in the act of something you weren’t supposed to be doing. Suddenly a flash of color catches my eye. Is that..a vibrator?

“Sorry I didn’t think you’d be home so early”