Something Super Hot and Super Different – NSFW

We Love Erotica..

We love to read it talk about it and listen to it.

We thought You’d like to listen to some of it too, so we created a super hot playlist with several stories, showcasing some of what we do.


[Erotica Audio Playlist](

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Headphones are a must!

Categorized as Erotica

19 Free Erotica Ebooks to claim before the New Year!

We have 19 Authors giving away their titles free via Amazon. If You missed our Christmas Advent Calendar this is a great way to get some of the titles you missed.

Amazon account required, Only the Ebooks are free – Paperbacks and Hardbacks versions of these titles will remain at full price.

[19 free Erotica Ebooks](

Categorized as Erotica