[f] Embracing your voyeuristic side.

I’ve used this site, this anonymity to explore an honest side of myself. I’ve pushed myself to be painfully honest with every single word I’ve written on here and have felt real embarrassment because of it. I felt real embarrassment because of you. Because you are real right now and you get to see everything I lay out and I can’t stop you from judging me for it.

I’m going to continue to force myself to be as honest as I can be. I’m going to force myself right now to let you picture me whether I really want you to see me or not.

You get to peer through the window at me right now. You get to see me sitting in this black computer chair while typing this. You get to see my short sleeve purple button up top with a bit of white along the collar. You get to see my blonde hair up in a pony tail. You get to see my black pants with a bit of brown dog hair on them. You get to see my plain black flats and my blindingly pale arms.

[f] Can I make this honestly feel intimate?

Is that possible like this? I’ve been having way too much fun experimenting with this kind of conversation and I want to keep trying. I want to make this feel as real as it can. I want to make you feel an honest connection even if it’s only for the few minutes I have your complete attention while reading this.

And I do have your attention right now don’t I? Wherever you are reading this, your focus is on my words regardless of how close you are to guessing what my real voice sounds like. But you know these are my real words, my real thoughts.

There’s no way for me to know who you are or what you look like and of course that’s part of what makes this so exciting for me. You could be a 21 year old ginger college student smirking a little bit right now while reading this and I can feel myself blushing at that thought. Or you could have just turned 50 and are just quickly browsing through post after post with a cup of coffee. It’s enticing and intriguing for me no matter who you are because you’re absolutely real right now.

[f] I honestly couldn’t stop trying to picture you all weekend…

It’s Monday morning and I literally just sat down at my desk maybe thirty minutes ago. I checked my emails, filled up my water bottle and I already couldn’t stop myself from signing into this account.

I’m not a morning person at all, It’s a struggle for me every morning to get up. I’m usually never anything even close to horny at this time but here I am all the same. There’s just such an incredible energy I get to feel from letting myself talk directly to you like this.

I get to imagine where you are when you’re hearing my voice. I get to imagine how you react to my words. I spent all day Saturday at a crowded beach with friends and when I looked out at the crowd I couldn’t help but wonder if anyone there had somehow read one of my ramblings. I know the odds are astronomical, but the beautiful part of this is that anyone could read this. Whoever is going to be making the sub I’ll have for lunch today could know I have a green vibrator. They wouldn’t know it was me, but I can’t control that it’s out there for anyone to read.

[f] My third little confession. Baring myself more for you.

I’ve been struggling with myself trying to figure out how I want to behave with you. Part of me is devouring how intimate this has felt for me. I want to explore that more, to see how personal I can make this feel even with this still being a completely public post.

..another more shameful side of me is kinkier than I want to admit and loves the idea of pushing the boundaries of control and consent with you. I dipped my toes in those waters more last time and it was a bit exhilarating but I understand it might not be something you like.

So maybe right now I can satisfy both sides with you. And I know I say this every time, but I love reminding myself that I really am talking only to you right now in this moment. I still don’t get to choose who you are. No matter what I end up saying on here or how in control I can come off as, you’re always the one in full control. Any one of us who posts here has to live with that fact. I like embracing it.

[f] My second little confessional. I’m still trying to understand who you are.

..and judging from your response, I guess you enjoyed that little feeling of power the other day? You enjoyed how uneven this exchange is and how I’m forcing myself to just be honest and acknowledge it? Logically this shouldn’t really feel personal at all. I’m making a completely public post, I’m not sending this to any specific person. But right in this exact moment, this is very personal isn’t it? These are my real words, my real thoughts and they are laid at your feet waiting for your judgment.

I’m not trying to even be philosophical or witty, a real version of me is talking directly to you. Yes, the real you right now reading this. I know I don’t actually know you but I’ve thought about you. I’m not sitting here trying to talk to a group of people, I’m talking to only one person right now and I have absolutely no power in choosing who that person is. I didn’t get to pick you out of a lineup and privately send you this. If you’re already reading this, then I literally have no way of stopping you from continuing to look at me can I?

[f] Does it make you uncomfortable..

..that I’m turned on by you and I have no idea who you are? I don’t know if you’re reading this while sitting at home on your laptop or if you’re on the subway seeing this on your phone. You could live 5 miles from me or 5,000. Either way, this isn’t a fair and even exchange is it? You’re free to hit the back button at any time and move on, but I’m held captive here in a way. For as long as you keep reading this, I’m forced to keep talking and you get to judge every single word I put in front of you and I have to deal with that. I don’t really have a choice do I?

I could stop typing this. I could hit the close button and go back to being productive and get back to work, but if you’re actually reading this then that means I went through with it and posted this for you. I don’t know you but this weird position I’ve put myself in means that I don’t have any power in this exact moment. You’re the one in control and that thought is a bit odd and also turns me on for reasons that are hard to fully explain.