Road trip

I had an adventure on Saturday. I had offered to drive a friend to Brussels to catch the Eurostar to UK, as train service from here where we live is disrupted halfway due to floods. It would have meant some buses and diverted local trains and would have taken 6 or 7 hours for a two hour journey.

One of her friends offered to come along to keep me company, and to see a bit of Brussels.

It rained a little on the way, and I discovered/re-remembered that while motorway service stations have toilets, these are quite far apart. There are picnic/rest stops along the way that are more frequent, but they have NO TOILETS.

As we approached a picnic area, friend’s friend (FF) asked if we could make a pit stop. The sign indicated picnic tables, no toilets, so I asked her if she could wait. She couldn’t. We stopped, and off she ran to find the nonexistent toilet. When she saw people coming back from behind bushes, she nearly turned back, but needs must, so she too went behind a bush.

Categorized as Erotica