All Work, Little Play (Part 2) | F/M | Strangers, Face Fucking, Degradation

In little over a few hours I would find myself regretting my actions, overcome by a hot flush of shame at my own needs and wants, but in this minute I was no more in control of myself than I was of the vibrator inside me that started this whole mess. I could barely even remember the man’s name but I didn’t have to did I. He was interested and certainly showed no want in moving to a more private setting and that was good enough for me!

I turned from the door to look at Owen, properly look this time. He was a fairly slender man, his three piece sloping down his shoulders and hugging his frame particularly well, even his stubble did something to add to this air about him that I couldn’t quite place. Either way, it was a far cry from the mild mannered man I’d first taken him for.

“Strip.” Were the first words that came out of his mouth, quicker than even me begging to know what he wanted to do to me.

Categorized as Erotica

All Work, Little Play (Part 1) | F/M | Strangers, Cheating, Vibrators

I was never an early morning person, whether it was because the light of day felt like it was burning my retinas or because I always exhausted because of my, ah, extracurricular activites, shall we say, me and the alarm clock were enemies.

Maybe that’s why I chose bar work as my little side job whilst I studied, it was (mostly) evening work, I got to be sociable and honestly the tips were pretty decent. A small bit of make up and some choice outfits to accentuate my curves and I was making a decent living for myself, granted a bit of flirting helped but my boyfriend never minded – he knew that at the end of the day, what they all lusted after, he got.

The only actual downside was that it meant that my weekends were gone and every holiday was taken by the hell of hospitality and this Friday was no different.

“I thought you booked tonight off,” he remarked, looking surprisingly unbothered by last minute call in to work.

“I did.” I sighed. “But technically I’m on standby because Alan’s wife could go into labor at any minute and I just didn’t think I’d be that unlucky. I’m sorry baby.”