Supermarket Excursion By: Bishop [MF] [Public] [Rough]

Have you ever been out, at work or at the gym or in a supermarket, and you see something. It could be something small. Something tiny that only you saw. But as minuet as it might be, it gets your mind wondering. You start picturing it in your mind, experiencing it again. Then that grows to a scenario that grows and develops in your mind. Now you’re in that mood. You know what you need, it’s all you can’t think about. That animalistic need that takes over. That’s what happened to our old friend Bishop, as he walked through the isles of the supermarket. He was in that bad mood. It was beginning to take over. He’d been going through a dry spell recently. His last book sold so well, the publisher promised a huge advance if he could get a second book out as soon as possible. So for almost a year, he’d been in his officer, working on the second book. But that didn’t leave him much time for socializing. That also made him extremely horny.