Wife’s first experience after coming out (f/f)

Inspired by my wife coming out a few months ago. First time writing erotica, feedback please!

When Leah’s best friend Katie invited Leah out for a night of drinking and dancing, Leah couldn’t resist. It had been a long and stressful few months for Leah and unwinding was long overdue.

Leah described herself as the woman who has it all. She was in her mid 30s and did indeed have it all – a successful career, a devoted husband, a houseful of beautiful children, and the best friends a woman could ask for.

That was what made coming out difficult for Leah. Her and her husband had been together since their late teens; she had built her entire life around the societal expectations of heteronormative relationships. She loved her husband and her family deeply. She’d always had a nagging interest but had never had the opportunity to explore her sexuality to its full extent, and furthermore, she couldn’t reconcile those “other” feelings she had with her lifestyle as the wife of a man and the mother of children. It took every ounce of courage she could muster to tell her husband. It was a great relief to her that his support was unwavering.