Good Girls Have Fun to [MF at this point]

“Hurry,” he said but calmed his voice befoe he said it. He didnt want to sound too desparete or pushy as either would mean this wasnt going to happen, however he wanted to get past the point of her reconsidering. Once her panties were off and his hands were on her hips there was a pretty good chance things were going to proceed. “I want to make sure we both have a good time” he finished. He watched her slip her panties down her legs. She pulled one leg out and then stepped the other out and stood up straight still clutching them in her hand.

She could have just pushed them past her hips and let them fall to the ground but as long as her fingers were grasping the small undergarment she still felt like she might be able to stop, not that she wanted to. The feeling was exhilerating and she hated it. She has always been so boring. A good girl. The current circumstances made her heart race and her body become flush with excitement and she didnt know how to handle it. “Now, don’t look.” She was self-conscious of her body. It didn’t look the way she wanted. Not that she wanted to look like a swimsuit model, but smoothed out about twenty-five pounds would be nice. “Don’t look?” He thought it was an odd request considering their circumstance. “Yeah, just don’t stare at me.” He nodded. He knew not to press. “Sure, now come here.” She was blushing and wondered if he could tell. He could and he wanted to get started in hopes she would relax.