Owned By The CEOS-Paris Part 2

Hi all! Long time lurker first time poster. This is a chapter out of an ongoing series that I was inspired to write based on an assigned task of writing a fantasy. I had such fun with it I kept going and expanded it. It is written in a first person dear diary kind of format. “He” and “She” are not given names on purpose, it was a stylistic choice. Anyways enough rambling, here is the chapter. I would truly appreciate feedback. It IS pretty long…fair warning)

“Stop here please” Her command to the driver brought my attention back to her as we pulled up one of the long drives and stopped in front of a large brightly lit house with people milling about on the front steps. It appeared to be a party. My stomach rumbled lightly and I sent the silent wish that this party involved feeding me.

“Come along” She stepped out of the car gracefully, long legs shown off in a tight fitting blood red gown with a slit up to her hip and strappy black stilletos. She looked like a deadly femme fatale and I couldnt help admire her and the way the dress hugged every curve. My lighter blue airy dress made me seem like an innocent lamb next to her. I gulped as the thought passed through my mind…”a sacrificial lamb”