The Orbs [straight] [fantasy] [essay] [MF]

I know it’s terrible to reduce another human being down to a set of body parts, let alone a particular body part. You hear and read phrases such as “she was all legs” or “he was hung like a horse”. There’s obviously more to people than the body parts they possess.

This isn’t a story; it’s more a conscious “stream of consciousness” about a certain woman who I find rather attractive, and more accurately, her second most attractive physical feature, next to her face: her breasts.

Believe me when I say she’s the total package … er, maybe somewhat lacking in the ass department, but many beautiful women have asses like hers so I shouldn’t complain.

Back to her breasts, they are simply gorgeous. They aren’t melons like Ava Addams’s but they’re sizable. My mouth would have to be twice as big as it is to fit one of those plump squishables completely inside, and oh, do I fantasize about doing that someday (most likely never, but one can dream).

Poles and Holes [fiction] [MMMfffffff] [group] [strippers] [toys] [straight] [prostitution] [human trafficking]

There is no minimum age for strippers in the Eastern European state of Slutvia. While that seemed to be the case in most places they had been to, Stenner and Axel, accompanied by Klaug, one of the locals they had befriended, wanted to see if this country was as liberal with the sexualisation of their women as they had heard.

Klaug took them to a strip bar on the edge of the city. Most of the streets and buildings here were run-down, deserted, catering only to the homeless and utterly desperate. The bar, in contrast, looked well-kept and had a garish neon sign spelling out the name, which was too long and weird for the two Canadians to care about.

When they got past the twenty-strong group of security goons, Klaug said, “They get away with so many illegalities here, it’s funny and sometimes … not so funny,” he said, ending with a grave tone.

Reality Therapy [MF][voyeur][interracial][wife][cheating]


2 PM Thursday was her least favorite session, but psychiatrist Dr. Leila Oswell maintained her look of professional interest while her patient, Percival Mitra, droned on about how difficult his life was as a virgin.

“You don’t know what it’s like, Doc,” he said, lying face up on her black leather couch, yet not seeing the ceiling above him. He was gazing into the abyss of his misfortune at being two degrees on the ugly side and having no talent, wit, or charm.

“Percival, we’ve been through this a hundred times before; we’re supposed to be making progress.”

He waved her off and pointed at her. “No, you are making progress, I’m not. It’s been almost half a year and I still haven’t got laid!”

“Maybe because you’ve been solely focused on one woman, who just so happens to be happily married and not interested in you in the slightest.”

“Look, I don’t care about Gia anymore. I just want to have sex with a woman – a real woman – you know, before the next century comes around?”

The Blog [hot wife] [free use] [MF] [interracial]

Inspired by 3_little_holes’ story *An Office Free Use Tale*

# Chapter 1

Reg was driving with his best friend Tony sitting in the front passenger seat when he pulled up next to a convertible with an all-female crew at an intersection. The girls looked to be in their early twenties.

Tony lowered his window. Said, “Any of you young ladies up for free use?”

“Why don’t you suck your pal’s dick,” said the brunette directly across from him. The other girls laughed, Tony turned red.

“That’s a good one,” he said, accepting the cock block.

Reg waved at the girls as the convertible lurched forward, turning left. He went right.

“You don’t turn it off, do you, Tony?”

His friend gave him the look of mock righteousness. “Nope, never.”

They both chuckled, drove in silence for a few minutes before Tony asked, “How are things with you and Elle?”

Reg thought that question about him and his wife was a bit odd, but he answered anyway. “Just great. Why do you ask?”

Flight of the Red Goblin [fantasy] [Mf]

The sounds of sex filled the cargo deck of the airbus traveling at 30,000 feet above the Atlantic Ocean. I tried listening for someone coming down to check out the noise, but couldn’t hear anything because of the constant sexual pleas of a 15 year old Russian girl my lawyer, Burt Aynol, had seduced mid-flight.

She parted her legs spread-eagled to him while laying back on a large suitcase. Her blonde hair splayed out, light blue eyes shining with lust. I saw him pistoning his 50 year old cock into her tight teen pussy, balls slamming at her entrance, her pitch rising as his thrusting increased in speed.

We were returning from a business trip to the Czech Republic, except it wasn’t legal business we were interested in. Burt had been hired to arrange for the trafficking of ten girls between the ages of 17 and 19 to the United States to work in the porn industry, both amateur and professional. They were all presently seated in economy class. This job could not have been done without the use of my goblin powers. He and I had struck a deal: I help him on this job and he would do me a special favor in return. The reason we were down in the cargo deck was Burt’s eagerness to fuck the brains out of this underage hottie.

Red Goblin Rising

tags: *fantasy, interracial, older male/underage (11yo) females*


Before the 20th of March, 2014, my life had been quiet and rather dull. That’s how I liked it: quiet and peaceful, punctuated only by the rapturous, almost orgasmic, discovery of human valuables that allowed me to live luxuriously (by goblin standards).


I am a red goblin, which is a rare species of goblin. Most of my kind are some shade of brown, purple, or green. The most significant difference between red and other shades of goblins is our willingness to share what we have gathered (stolen). That is probably what killed off all the red goblins: too much sharing. I am the last one alive.


My family lived in an abandoned coal mine when I was young – I was born there, in the dark. An explosion of dynamite brought the mountain down on my family. I was the only one who survived. I left the rubble that used to be my home to live in the nearby woods, venturing out only under the cover of night to sneak into houses and steal what people valued.